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Hey beautiful peopleeeee 🙋🏾‍♀️
You will find out which option I picked at the end of this chapter but it will be pretty clear as you read.

Also, hate to do this, but at least 50 comments today or I'm actually going to consider stopping this book, I'm tired 😣
When people don't comment, I feel like no one is reading which makes me feel like I'm wasting my time.


"Dave, how lovely to see you," The therapist gleamed. "When my colleague said you wanted to see me, I was shocked,"

"Having the same therapist as my wife doesn't always work," Dave admitted,

"I can imagine," She smiled. "Well I'm Laura, I specialise in trauma therapy, but I am able to speak to you about anything,"

"I've never really done this without my wife," He replied. "But recently, I've been the only one able to make it to sessions,"

"Do you want to expand?" Laura picked up her notebook,

"My wife and I, we, er - we had a stillborn about four months ago and it really affected her health," Dave started, "She lost movement in her legs and arms for a few weeks,"

"Wow okay," Laura nodded. "First of all, sorry for your loss," She said sympathetically.

"It seems like it affected your wife a lot, what about you?" She raised a brow,

"I left, which is something I always do," Dave responded,

"You leave, right," Laura wrote that down. "Is there a reason why you leave? Or it's just impulse?"

"It's all I've ever done," He said lowly, "When shit gets hard; I don't like sticking around for it, I hate seeing her in pain,"

"Have you ever considered that you cause more pain when you leave?" She replied,

Dave nodded his head and leaned back in his seat, "I know it hurts her more but I can't help it,"

"Okay that's an honest answer, I want you to always be honest in these sessions, so we can really talk genuinely," Laura said to him.

"I left when she had our first daughter, I didn't know she was pregnant but I left because I knew I hurt her too much," He expressed.

"So you've always had this feeling, like leaving will hurt but it's better?" She asked to be sure,

"My wife feels like I run away because I can't face my own feelings," He nodded,

"Do you think she's right?" Laura quizzed,

"I don't know, I thought that's what you would tell me," He answered.

"I can't tell you how you feel, I can help you through those feelings," She confirmed,

"This is where I talk about my feelings?" Dave asked rubbing his legs nervously,

"You don't do it often?" Laura asked him,

"Not really, men don't really do that," He replied, which made Laura shake her head.

Always and Forever [Dave East FanFic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz