valeria penelope cardaire

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valeria penelope cardaire



december 30




suki waterhouse

FACE CLAIMsuki waterhouse

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PERSONALITYthroughout her kingdom, valeria is well known for her determination and confidence

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throughout her kingdom, valeria is well known for her determination and confidence. she's great at speaking up, for herself and others, and she's great at inspiring people. a natural born leader. unfortunately, this has led to her being slightly assertive. she will get what she wants, even if it's the smallest thing. people have tried to teach her that's not the right way to go about things, but she never listened. fortunately, there isn't a lot she wants that is small, so really she feels like there is no problem there. none of this would happen without her cleverness, though. she's always coming up with new ideas, new plans, new ways to get around things. people tend to not realize how smart she has to be to lead the way she does, some people just think it's her pretty face swaying people. speaking of pretty face, val is a little vain. she always cares about how she looks, but it's not the kind of vain where she compares herself to other people in the way where she thinks she's prettier than them. she just thinks she has to look pretty at all times.

being in charge, people, dancing, fighting, snow, books

not getting what she wants, open water (ocean), blatantly rude people (she can be brutal, but she's never just outright rude for fun), the smell of fish

val has always had a great life. her and her younger brother were spoiled by their parent's like none other. this was likely where her attitude developed, because as a child she was always getting what she wanted. sometimes all it took was a stamp of the foot and a call for her dad, and she would be listened to. fortunately, she's grown out of the tantrum stage. she couldn't get away with doing whatever she wanted her whole life, and even though it was often an argument with her parents, they kind of forced her into the hobbies she has now. they taught her how to fight, just in case, but also the complete opposite with the grace of ballet. luckily she loves both, now, and often spends time practicing and training.

the cardaire's have led their kingdom for a very long time. quite successfully, too. a booming economy, great spirit, and healthy, wonderful people. everyone is quite happy. the war has definitely changed a lot, and everyday they're finding more and more people struggling to live their everyday lives. val always thanked her parents for the fact that there hasn't been revolution, yet, because they're trying their hardest and the people actually like them! the kingdom is currently led by her parents, who are both happy and healthy, though beginning to have some problems with the war and concerns for their own country. val is often supporting them as the heiress. then she only has her younger brother, dominic. he's only fourteen, but has a fantastic understanding for how the world works and what needs to go into a successful kingdom.

she had a pet snake that she keeps with her at almost all times. although her parents tried to keep her from bringing it, she cannot part with it.

with big green mountains and rivers of water flowing through the kingdom, val's kingdom of denmark is truly a gorgeous site. the kingdom itself, with all of its people, have always thrived and been happy. of course, every place has their lows; crime, poverty, all of that. they've been lucky in that these numbers have remained quite low compared to other countries, but the war is slowly taking its toll, making these numbers rise.

val doesn't quite understand why she's the one who has to go. she figured this kind of invitation would be better suited for her parents, but they need to remain home to keep things running there, and this kind of interaction with other leaders would be good practice. she's curious, mostly, and she thinks it's a good idea. she doesn't want there to be war. she doesn't want her kingdom to crumble, whether it's under her rule or when she's long gone. she knows denmark will go back to what it once was if the war could end.

"visualize your highest self and start showing up as her."
"don't adapt to the energy in the room, influence the energy in the room."

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