aurora lynn harker

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aurora lynn harker





4 (was originally a 5)

part time jeweler

danielle campbell

•••FACE CLAIMdanielle campbell

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•••PERSONALITYaurora is a seemingly kind girl

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aurora is a seemingly kind girl. a small stature, gentle eyes, and a wide smile that makes anyone think she could never hurt a fly. oh, but many flies she's hurt. while she is kind, aurora is not afraid to put up a fight at the slightest inconvenience. it's gone from small arguments to full on fist fights, depending on the situation. she doesn't like to talk much about what's gone on in her life, primarily due to the fact that she's secretive. no one needs to know the details of her life. she never understood why telling secrets was such a huge thing. aren't they secrets for a reason? this leads her to coming off as well guarded and stand offish. she may warm up to you, but it will take time. and you have to be the right person. in her whole life, there are only two people she's become close with (though still not close enough to share secrets with. again, she never saw the point). when first met, aurora does have a welcoming personality. she likes getting to know people, it gets hard to talk to her when people try to get to know her. she's never sure how to go about it.

nature, painting, training/exercise, dogs, the night sky, the cold

when people are rude/disagree with her (this depends), hot days, crowded spaces

aurora's family wasn't the best growing up. with four other siblings, a small house, and her horrible grandparents living with them, she was miserable. her parents were gone a lot, never liking the stress of children; taking care of them, worrying about the house, etc. instead, they'd be out partying every night, working everyday, finding any excuse to leave them with their grandparents. her grandparents were horrible. strict and abusive, aurora could never find happiness, unless she too left with her siblings. aurora was the middle child, two sisters and two brothers were with her. when her oldest brother turned 18, he left the house as quick as possible, taking her two younger siblings with him, who were 6 and 9 at the time. that left aurora and her older sister with their grandparents. her older sister also spent most of the time out of the house, and only being a year younger than her brother, quickly moved out too. finally, leaving aurora. the following year, at the young age of 13, aurora ran away. anything was better than staying there. for a while she was on the streets, with the little food and money she brought. after a few months, a family brought her in. they took good care of her, taught her how to stick up for herself and fight in all kinds of ways.

- mother// lynn harker, 51 or deceased, whereabouts unknown. rarely took care of aurora and her siblings, gone more than her father.
- father// bradley harker, 53 or deceased, whereabouts unknown. while he was around more than her mother, he was still out a lot. he liked aurora and her siblings more than their mother.
- grandmother// addison whites, 87 or deceased, whereabouts unknown. her mother's mom. grew up in a very strict home and that later impacted her life, pushing those thoughts on the kids in her family.
- grandfather// marley whites, deceased. similar to addison, grew up in a strict household. he pushed those thoughts onto the kids too, but was more aggressive.
- oldest brother// asher harker, 26, whereabouts unknown. quickly moved out when he turned 18. he took the two youngest with him, not wanting them to grow up in the house he did. he couldn't afford to take aurora and her older sister, but he made the older sister promise she would take aurora with her when she moved out.
- oldest sister// paisley harker, 25, whereabouts unknown. spent a lot of time out of the house as well, but to get away from her home life. she broke her promise when she turned 18 and left aurora behind, finding it too stressful to take care of her.
- aurora harker
- younger sister// fauna harker, 15, with asher. she was 9 when she was taken away. aurora doesn't know much about her, just that they would protect her.
- younger brother// porter harker, 13, with asher. was 6 when he was taken. he wasn't old enough to be able to know aurora well and vise versa. he just liked to play.

new family:
- mom// laura fairres, 49. she found aurora cold on the streets one day. she introduced aurora to painting and taught her the beauty of the outdoors.
- dad// elijah fairres, 51. when aurora was brought home, he was ecstatic. he'd always wanted another child. he taught aurora how to fight and taught her ways of life.
- older brother// william fairres, 23. he was not the most excited when aurora came home. he liked just being by himself. however, they quickly grew close, making a perfect team.

aurora does not like the royals. it's mostly the fact that it's a monarchy. she finds it very unfair that one person gets to make the decisions for how the country is. she thinks they're greedy and completely stupid and clueless. they say they want the best for their people, but how could they mean that when aurora lived many years in a horrible state? no one from the palace was ever sent to make sure they were ok. she doesn't believe in the curse, she thinks it's a publicity stunt. something to make the people feel bad for the royals. they don't get aurora's pity. but, her curiosity. we'll say it was her curiosity that got to her and sent her to the palace. she just HAS to know more juicy details... and while she mdoesn't like them, it would be a little cool to meet the royals.

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