This is Just the Prologue (H)

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After years of failed auditions and a handful of dead end pilots, Harry finally landed a gig playing monster of the week on the hit show, Excavated.

Just four months ago, his agent had tried to get him to cut his long curly hair but was pretty sure that was what landed him the role. The show was in its third season and thriving. Coincidental bonus - Harry had never missed an episode, even before he'd gotten to the script.

The show was about two lifelong friends, Tommy (played by the devastatingly beautiful and graceful Louis Tomlinson) and Nate (played by the muscular, dominating, but also puppy dog eye'd stud muffin Liam Payne) who made a living searching out high dollar ancient artifacts.

Tommy was the nimble rogue with too much charm and a passion for history. Nate was a gifted warlock who used his abilities to track down the (often magical) artifacts, but his powers were also handy when they ran into monsters along the way. So were his muscles, of course. The show was about adventure, danger, and eye candy.

Harry was chosen to play the role of Phillip, who was believed to have died but was actually imprisoned in a secret crypt using magic. One containing all the treasures he'd collected from his prey throughout his life, including a highly sought after jeweled crown from a renowned king. Really, though, they just wanted a sexy vampire episode for the ratings, and it flattered Harry to have gotten the role.

The production was a well-oiled machine. So much so that there wasn't much need for Harry to interact with the cast or crew much before the first day of filming. There was a table read, but everything was on such a tight schedule that he'd barely got to meet Louis and Liam. Honestly, that was probably for the better. Harry'd had a crush on Louis since season one, but really, who hadn't?

It was so much worse in person. Louis was subtly flirty with just about everyone he spoke to. Always a sparkle in his eye and a mischievous smirk. A hand on the arm, a casual rub on the back. How did anyone ever get anything done around this guy?

It was no secret that Harry's character was meant to bring sexual tension and Louis didn't hold back trying to build it at the table read. Harry delivered it back to the best of his ability, but who knew if he actually pulled it off. No one's eyes should be like, that blue. It's unfair. And oh god, Harry's mouth would be on that perfect neck, next to those sinful collar bones. Yeah, Harry probably did not pull it off.

At least Liam was an expert at tossing it right back to Louis. They'd try to make each other blush sometimes, but ultimately, they'd end up throwing crumpled paper at each other between scenes. At the end of the table read, Harry didn't even have a chance to say bye to them because Liam threw Louis's floundering body over his shoulder and ran outside, much to Louis's protest. He wouldn't actually throw him into the fountain, right?


Fast forward to the day of the shoot.

The set was gorgeous. It looked like an underground lair to a very fancy and wealthy vampire. It had rich purple curtains on the walls to mimic windows, even though there was only stone peeking behind them. Elegant furniture made of gold and jewel toned fabrics decorated the background with slim marble pillars to hold the structure of the crypt.

And, of course, a gem studded crown in a display cabinet nestled in a pile of treasure right behind Harry's marker.

Then there was Harry, who wore a classic, romantic Poet's Shirt with billowy sleeves and several unused buttons. And what kind of sexy vampire would he be without high waisted black leather pants and boots? This costume came right out of a Meatloaf music video, but Harry could pull it off. Louis may have the charm, but Harry had legs for days and he knew how to use them. Leather brings the confidence out of people, and Harry was no exception. He was ready for Mr. Tomlinson this time.

Well, maybe. Only Tommy was apparently too warm to wear his standard long sleeved turtleneck and thief gear for that script. Of course. Couldn't have that in the sexy vampire episode. Right. Instead, Louis walked on set in a tight, black, V-neck t-shirt that hugged his biceps in the most delicious way. Those damn collar bones were showing off again too.

He also wore a pair of leather gloves to protect Tommy from magical effects from the items he stole, which were standard for the character. Did they actually paint his pants on? Harry didn't have room to talk with that, though. They styled Louis's hair into his signature neat quiff, so there was no chance of his stupid blue eyes being hidden away. Sigh.

The director, Niall, was an energetic mastermind on set. He also had rather blue eyes, come to mention it. His dark blond hair was playfully styled in that purposeful bedhead kind of way, and he wore a soft gray hoodie and sweatpants. Might as well be comfortable if you have to run around the set like a madman all day. There was always a clipboard in his arms and a coffee nearby. It seemed he was the glue that made the production team get along so well. He got things done efficiently, but always had time to crack a joke.

Niall never seemed overwhelmed, even though he had 10 plates spinning at once. After orchestrating the actors, cameramen, lights, and prop guy (Zayn, more on him in a second), they only had a few moments before they jumped right into filming. Just enough time for Louis to bat his unreasonably long eyelashes at Harry from the other side of the set.

So about Zayn. Harry had met Zayn already because he had to get fitted for his fangs for the character. They also spent some time right before filming that day since Zayn had to apply Phillip's scar on his chest after he airbrushed away the tattoos. It was in the shape of a cross, left by a hunter who burned it into his skin during the untold backstory. But both sessions, Harry barely squeezed any small talk out of him. Zayn wasn't rude or anything, just focused. Besides, the hair and makeup girls were plenty chatty so there was not awkward silence or anything. Plus, Zayn quietly laughed at all of Harry's jokes, so that was something.

And Zayn was also unfairly attractive. He had no business being behind a camera. It made no sense. Well, maybe it made a little sense because he seemed kind of quiet. Not so much shy, but he wasn't hungry for the spotlight like Harry, Louis, or Liam. But he definitely fell right out of a romance novel. Like, big brown Disney princess eyes, cheekbones as impressive as Louis, and this silky black hair pulled into a low ponytail with this one loose strand that just...

Anyway, everyone there was really fun to look at.

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