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Violets POV:

MJ and I have been arguing too much lately. Every little thing sets us off. But were good for each other, plus were that duo that you expect to see together. We walked back to where Parker was seated. Sam, the waitress, had just arrived with our food. I take my seat next to Parker and MJ slides into the booth. Our table is silent. The only noise is faint music and chatter from the surrounding people. MJ looks up at me and coughs slightly. She wants me to start a conversation, but before I can start Parker speaks up,

"So, who were you walking with earlier, Violet?" He questions. Fuckkkk. I did not need him to bring this up.

" Oh. Yea. I was with MJ, she needed some help getting back to the dorm." I stutterd nervously. I still wasn't over the fact that MJ got shit faced before a date. Parker gave no response, he just laughed and picked at his spaghetti with a fork.

"Yea, exams are really stress full for me. Sometimes I need a break." MJ said, smirking at me.

" You know, drugs wouldn't be a real issue if some people  knew how to responsibly use them." I deflected the conversation back to MJ.

" Shit guys. I d- didn't mean to start anything between you. lets forget I brought that up." Parker said, not realizing what he started.

" Some  people don't know how to forgive and forget." MJ wouldn't give up.

" Oh, really? At least I can apologize." I said. It was always hard to hit MJ where it actually hurt. But me? I get offended easily.

"okay." MJ scoffed, " Its fine. We will figure this out later. In the mean time, how was everyone's exams?" She tried to change the topic. Parker was excited to talk about anything else, 

" Great. I can say with full confidence that I passed history." He exclaimed.

" That's good for you. I exempted history, but I think I did okay in math." I responded.

" You all know how mine went." MJ sighed. We continued eating our food and making small talk. Once Sam noticed we had finished our meals she came over to give us a cheque. Parker insisted on paying for everyone's meal.

" All right, you guys are all set. Have a great night." Sam ushered us out of the restaurant. 

We all were in the beat up Honda when the radio went out. Of course. Another silent and awkward ride. I was sitting with my head in my hand watching out the window. I didn't even notice Parkers hand reach over the center console. It shocked me a little when I felt his cold palm on my thigh. I jumped and he instantly removed his hand. I grabbed it lightly and lowered it again.

 The only other physical touch I experience is from MJ and that isnt even romantic. To be honest, I'm hoping things with Parker will be different than any other guy I've been with. I knew MJ saw the whole awkward encounter from the back seat. She is probably back there gawking to herself. Mine and MJ's relationship is difficult to understand sometimes. We argue enough to keep each other in check. We bully each other enough to keep us humble, we comfort each other enough but don't cross boundaries that will hurt when we split next year. Yes, we are that one duo you see everywhere but honestly, me and MJ aren't that close. We know little to nothing about each others home lives or secrets. We don't really hang out outside of school and our dorm. I don't want her to get to comfortable with me, or develop feelings for me because I am straight and she's not. Its awkward in a way.

I only realized I had zoned out when I saw Parkers headlights reflect off my dorms window. MJ thanked Parker for the ride and dinner then hoped out of the car. I stayed for a minute because his hand hadn't left my leg. I looked over at him and he was staring at me.

" Violet, you are so beautiful." He said with emotion. I gulped,

" Thank you, Parker. For everything." I replied, " Dinner was great."

He smiled and said, " You are so welcome, for everything." We both giggled. " Let me walk you in." He insisted. I exited the Honda and he took my hand. It was a total of six steps before we reached the door.

" Let me take you out again, but just us this time." He almost questioned.

" Okay." I said softly. I felt so stupid for saying that. Before I could change my answer Parker had already turned around and started for his car.

" Goodnight Parker." I said loudly, but not too loud.

" Goodnight Violet." He responded.

I went in side the dorm and found MJ in the bathroom removing her makeup. 

" Hey Love." She said when she noticed me in the mirror.

" Hey babes." I said back. 

" Did he kiss you?" she questioned .

" Nope. But he did ask me out again." I said cheerfully.

" Without me third wheeling, right?" MJ asked.

" Absolutely. It seamed like a good idea but indeed it was not." I laughed.

" Indeed." She mocked. I went out to sit on the couch and start a movie. It was almost Christmas, so I found our Rodolph Claymation DVD and started playing it.

" I LOVE this movie!" MJ exclaimed while hurrying out of the bathroom. She plopped down next to me and I curled up next to her.

 I don't know when she carried me to my bed, or when she laid down next to me. I don't know when we started cuddling. All I knew was that I didn't want to move from this spot. She was behind me. Both of us were on our sides, legs bent. We were spooning. Her head was at the back of my neck, I could feel her warm breaths. Her leg draped over mine. Her arm laid over my chest. My back flush with her stomach. It was perfect. I realized that splitting up this summer might be harder than I thought.

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