ulterior motives

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Chenle has been loving Jisung the wrong way. So he's going to move on. He's resolved to move on.

He feels a little bad, using Hana as some kind of rebound. He never would have said yes to her before. But if there's anyone to distract him from his before, it's her. She's kind and funny and positive. And she likes Chenle. Why, he still has no idea.

As far as school dances go, it's pretty fun. (Even if seeing Jisung dressed up in his too-small tux made every second of moving on a little more horrible.) Hana introduced him to her friends, put in a request at the DJ booth and pulled him out onto the dance floor. Winning prom king wasn't bad either. The lights were bright. The attention was heady. Hana's hand was warm in his.

"Come with me," she said, leaning in close to his ear. "Let's go to the bleachers."

He said okay. So now they're under the bleachers. It's cold, so he gives her his jacket.

"Thank you for this," she says, standing against a metal beam. "The jacket — and everything else. Still surprised you said yes."

"I think my mother would have cried if she didn't get to dress me up for prom."

"Ah, so this is just for her sake."

"Yup. Just her."

Hana smiles. Chenle smiles back.

She takes a step forward. "Would it be cliche to ask to kiss you?"

He hesitates. The scratches inside his lip have long healed. A part of him misses the feeling. The reminder.

Don't think about that.

He nods.

The kiss is... okay. Okay. Christ, that's not the reaction he's supposed to be having. Her hands are gentle on his cheeks. She's standing on her tiptoes. It's cute. It's all nice and gentle and cute. So why the fuck is it just okay?

That damn two-word reason comes to mind. Not even a full sentence.

Suddenly every touch feels like a lie, makes him a liar. He's about to step away, make up some shit about being chilly. But then her hands are sliding back, her lips are on his neck. He can't speak. He's only ever felt Jisung there. Only Jisung.

And then her lips part, and two needle-thin points press to his skin.

"Hey—" He pushes her away. "What — what the fuck? Were you about to bite me?"

She's blinking at him, eyebrows scrunched together. "This... wasn't part of... the plan."

"What plan?" He lowers his voice out of habit. "Hana, are you a fucking vampire?"

He can see her brain working. And the fangs beneath her lips. She crosses her arms. "How did you know?"

"You almost bit me."

"But why would you come to that conclusion so fast?"

"Is that why you asked me to prom — so you could drain me afterward?"

"A pervert, maybe, but a vampire? That's so random!"

"What the fuck is this conversation!"

"And why do you always wear that stupid scarf — it's like you're taunting me!" Something dawns on her. Her eyes go wide. "You've already been claimed."

"No, I—"

"You're bloodmated."

"You have got to be kidding me."

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