even the unknowns

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Chenle is kind of a big deal among his many, many aunties.

Jisung feels a little out of place. Not just because he has a big fat tragic crush on the Zhong golden boy, or a big fat pregnant cat in his backpack. Chenle's aunts are all very elegant, very fashionable and very loud, though none more so than Chenle's mother, who has always made Jisung nervous. If she told him to hurl his body into an active volcano, he thinks he'd do it just to avoid her smoothly arched eyebrow and the tap-tap-tap of her high heel.

But Chenle is getting a suit custom-made for prom, and he asked Jisung to be there as backup, in case he ends up in something frilly or puffy with shoulder pads or a bowtie. Jisung doesn't know anything about fashion or sweet-talking rich old ladies, but it wasn't like he could say no without seeming suspicious. Now he has to watch Chenle get all dressed up to go out with someone else, listen to his aunts chirp about what a lucky girl his date must be.

So far that's all he's done — stew silently on an ottoman, invisible while everyone else orbits around Chenle.

"See this, dear," an auntie says to him. "It's just a little piece of fabric but it looks like a pocket square, isn't that fun!"

"Uh, maybe." Chenle throws an urgent glance over his shoulder. Jisung just shrugs.

Nibbles peeks her head out of his backpack, makes a tsk sound with her tiny fangs. "Jisung, I'm disappointed. Why haven't you told that boy how you feel?"

"I'm not talking about this."

"Why not? I've been privy to your romantic agonies for an age now. If I'd thought it was in your best interest to inform Chenle behind your back, I would have done it already."

"I wasn't worried about that. Though now I kind of am."

"What's holding you back, youngling?"

"I haven't told him because like, how could he possibly feel the same way? It's that simple. It's kind of selfless actually." He straightens up, trying to sound certain. "If I told him, it'd just screw everything up for both of us."

"You still believe that, even after our conversation at your youth penal institution?"

"You mean high school?"

"Yes, that."

"I remember what you told me, I do. About the euphoria and bloodmates and... and I just don't think that stuff is proof enough. I have to be a hundred percent sure, a hundred. If I read the room wrong — and I read rooms wrong a lot — it's all over for us. How can you ever be normal again after one best friend goes to the other like, 'hey, it's getting literally painful and unbearable not being able to kiss you so... please date me'?"

"Perhaps you wouldn't phrase it like that."

"I'm just saying stuff. Hyperbolizing or whatever."

"You think him returning your feelings is impossible, but look around you, look at yourself. Extraordinary things are all around, waiting to be believed. Such is the beauty of life, even the unknowns. Why can't you believe?"

"Believing is like... jumping off a cliff. I'm afraid I'm going to hit the ground and die. Again."

"I can't say I understand."

"Haven't you ever liked someone, Nibbles?"

"Per my current condition, relations between cats are less romantic and more... seasonal."

"Then I guess we're just not going to understand each other."

"But he waits for you, youngling. He lets you bite him. He stays by you."

"Why though? Why does he do all that?"

"Well. I'm not one-hundred percent sure."

"Exactly! And it's all crystal-freaking-clear now, isn't it? I mean, look where we are, look what we're doing!"

"Jisung, dear?" Mrs. Zhong is calling over. She and a few aunties are looking at him — so is Chenle. "Are you all right?"

"Uh. Sorry. Just talking to myself."

Mrs. Zhong nods dubiously and turns away. Chenle is trying not to laugh.

"In any case," Nibbles says, sneaking another peek. "He is very handsome, even in such an ugly ensemble."

"It's a little weird." There are ruffles coming out of his collar. A fake pocket square. The aunties are arguing between baby blue and sea-foam green as the base colour. "Maybe he can change in the bathroom before prom."

"You're supposed to be helping him."

"How could I help? I'd just be annoying them."

"Jisung, give me your hand."


"Just do it."

He looks around quickly and lowers his hand into his backpack. And then Nibbles bites him, making him shout "AH!" — and suddenly everybody is looking at him. Even the tailor.

"Ah, uh, I... I mean... I think it's a little much."

Mrs. Zhong narrows her eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I guess... if I was his date, I wouldn't want that frilly stuff at the top, because I'd want to put my hands on his shoulders without anything getting in the way. I think."

Mrs. Zhong squints at Chenle's patchwork suit, lined in pencil and held together with pins. "Hm. You may be right." Jisung breathes a sigh of relief. But then she says, "Come over here. Pretend to dance with him. We'll make alterations from there."

Nibbles is purring.

He leaves his backpack on the ottoman, goes to stand on the short round stage surrounded by full-body mirrors. They avoid each other's eyes, until an auntie shoves them closer, clamps Chenle's hands on Jisung's waist and Jisung's hands on Chenle's shoulders. They can't even try not to look at each other. It's a little awkward. It's also a little funny.

Jisung starts to laugh.

"What, why are you laughing?" says Chenle.

"I'm not laughing."

"Is it the pocket square?"

And then they're both laughing.

This? No, he can't lose this. Not for anything.

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