~Strawberry Crunch~

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"Pss, Marie." Nicholes's voice rang through the bedroom, "Are you feeling alright?" Marie heard her feet inch closer to her bed, then Nichole dropped down in front of her face. "Hey, you good?" She asked bringing her hand up to run her hand through her friend's hair. "You're looking alittle pale do you need some cough syrup?"

Marie sucked in a shaky breath," no," she said through the bile in her throat.

"You sound awful Marie, are you sure? Can I bring you some tea? I already cleaned up the oatmeal on the floor what happened?"

Did she knock over the oatmeal during her sulking? Shit Marie felt horrible making Nichole clean that up. "I'm sorry," She struggled to say, her throat was sticky and dry, and her eyes burned, "I accidentally picked up the pot without thinking and dropped it because it burned the hell out of my hand." She gave a shaky laugh.

"Oh shit is your hand fine? Do I need to help patch it up? Dad is a doctor so I'm a pro at that type of stuff." Nichole reacted under the blanket and coaxed out the injured hand. Gently she unwrapped the tea towel, Marie hissed in pain as it tugged against her open wound. "Sweet Jesus," Nichole mumbled. "Get up," she gently pulled Marie's arm.

Once the two of them were in the bathroom Nichole made Marie scrub her hand with a rag and some stinky soap. "This is going to burn alot." Nichole held up a bottle of alcohol.

Marie's eyes widened, "Are you sure you're supposed to do that?!" She choked out, her heart felt ready to burst.

"I'm sure of it, I was in a movie they put whiskey on a burn and the dude didn't die."

"Oh, I'm glad we're getting medical advice from Holywood then."

"Yep," she said popping the 'P', "Ok breath in," She dumped the alcohol on her hand.

"FUCKING WHORES GOD GOOD HELP WHAT THE FUCK!" Marie screamed tearing her arm back. "OW, WHAT THE CUNT LICKING COCK SUCKING FUCK!" Nichole burst out laughing. "NOT FUNNY GOD DAMN! OWW GOOD FUCKING OW!" Marie whammed her hand into the counter without thinking about it, "I'M GOING TO STAB SOMEONE HOT HELL, SATANS CUM BABIES! LORD OH MIGHTY!"

"Holy shit!" Nichole said holding her stomach at the sight in front of her, "I need you to do this more often!"

"Putain! Putain!"

"Switching languages are we?" Nichole teased, "What is that Spanish?"


"You speak French?"

"No, Dad." She gasped as the pain calmed down a bit.

"Oh, that's cool. Hey um Marie," Nichole said looking up from her phone. Marie raised one of her black eyebrows. "So Google said we shouldnt have put alcohol on it hehe." She scratched the back of her neck. "Whoops."

"I'm going to whip your ass, Nichole!"

"I might deserve that but before you do, just know, I bought some strawberry crunch ice cream bars today on the way home from school-"

"OH FUCK YEA! Hurry up Doc patch me up!" Marie thrust her raw hand in front of her. Nichole slathered a thick layer of her Vaseline onto the wound and finished it up with a bandage wrap.

"Ice cream!" Marie cheered running down the stairs. The minute that bar of ice cream hit her hand Marie took a large bite out of it, causing Nichole to hiss.

"Girl how'd you do that, I'd die!" Nichole asked with a small smile on her lips, "Oh! By the way, tomorrow my boyfriend Tolkeins coming over to meet you, he already thinks you're cool, Wendy and the girls have been bragging about you to everyone. Wendy and Bebe along with McCormick made it sound like you were some type of model! Not that you're not, God, you're probably the prettiest person ever truly, you look like a Greek goddess or something! But they've got people's interest in you peaked to the max. Oh God, I'm rambling again." Nichole rubbed the back of her neck.

"Oh, three pretty girls think I'm pretty? Win!"

"Oh God soosh."  

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