Suddenly he felt at ease. He was about to move forward when Jan pokes his chest.

It was funny to witness him suddenly realising who's chest he poked. He backed up and straightened his shirt, clearing his throat.

"Ahem. I'd um.. like to talk to you." He told him, looking anywhere but him. Nikolai raised and eyebrow and looked at me. I have no expression on my face, I simply shurg my shoulders and he sighed.

"I suggest you hurry up because I'd like to spend most of my time with my malyshka" he said as he invited himself in and took a seat on the couch.

His eyes never left mine as he walked inside, when he took a seat I could feel his gaze burning into me. I could see how his eyes travelled as he spread his legs.

"Evie , please go inside" Jan requested.

I walk back inside with a troubled Gracy in my hands who was busy ruining Nikolai's shoes.

She knows.

Though I could see his jaw clenching and fist forming but he still controlled his anger, not throwing us both in trash. Hehe

After exactly seven minutes and twenty two seconds, Jan comes into the room. As soon the as he shuts the door, he released a long breath. Does Nikolai scare him that much?

"That man could crush me in a go. But he was so patient listening to me when I talked about you, and I threatened him as well. Don't worry, I'm a good brother" I smile, hugging him. He wiped his non-existent sweat and chuckled.

"Go now, he's one hell on an impatient man" I giggle and quickly kiss Gracy and rora on my way out.

He stood, leaning against his car with a cigar in his mouth. Ewu. I have to threaten him with my punches. He crushes it underneath his shining shoes as he sees me.

He then grabs a mint and chews it. His jaw, clenching in process.

"Hi malyshka" swoon. His deep voice, still makes my knees go weak.

I thank him as he opened the door for me. I was about to close it when he leans against it, his arm over the car roof he whispered

"You look absolutely mesmerizing baby, such a lovely baby" he pats my thigh one last time before getting inside the car.

"I bought you something, it's in the back" I turn my head to the back seat and find a cute fluffy stuffie . On top of it were gracy's favourite toys and treats.

"I might hate that little fat monster but i know how much you love her so..." He chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck.

I'm going to ugly cry

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I'm going to ugly cry.

I sniff back my tears and hug him as tight as possible. His rich and strong cologne hitting my nose.
Nostalgia. I missed him so much.

"Thank you so much" I wipe with tears with his shirt. Don't tell him.

Also he doesn't seem to mind. Okay! ....but still don't tell him.

"I'm trying baby, I'm trying" he mumbled, mostly to himself.

"Why is it so quiet?" I ask as we walk inside the bookstore. It was always crowded and busy. This was the first time I was seeing it to be so calm and peaceful.

"I've reserved this for today" he said casually as if it was nothing.

My eyes almost bulged out like sockets. Hehe that would be funny and creepy. Ewu.

"You what?" I hold his hand to hold him back but he keeps moving further.

"Come baby" he gestured towards the table at the corner of the room. It was my favourite spot.

Whenever dad would yell at me or scold me, I would come here with my coffee and sit near the window, reading my books.

He drags the chair for me and waits till I was comfortably seated.

"You can buy as many books as you wish to" I giggled at him

"You're going to go broke Mr." He smiled , not believing me.

Nobody believes me. I'm serious buddy.

"Buy as much as you want my love,  I have enough money to buy a fortune for the next seven  generations of ours.  And right now, it's all for you."

Ooo sugar dadd- stop.

Don't tell Jan I said this. Or I'll pull out a kung-fu panda on you.

"Y'know the first time I saw you in all those years?" I nod recalling how we met at dad's place.

"No, Moya dusha. The first time I saw you was here. Through this window. I saw you reading a book."

"You looked so innocent baby. So beautiful. Just mine. My beautiful, beautiful girl"  his words make my cheeks heat up.

Nikolai chuckled and held my hand in his , looking me straight into the eyes he said the next few words

"I'm going to tell you the truth about your life clover. Listen to me please "

Author's note
Y'all I was writing this chapter and whenever I wrote Nikolai, my iPad would change it to Nokia😭😭😭😭

Author's noteY'all I was writing this chapter and whenever I wrote Nikolai, my iPad would change it to Nokia😭😭😭😭

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Just another clover and Nikolai representation.

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