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Shanks and Benn decided to take Luffy to their ship and let her explain what exactly happened to her and her brothers. Shanks looked at her and spoke "Luffy, would you like to come visit our ship and explain to us what happened to your brothers?" only to get a nod from her and almost silently , she asked "are you guys pirates?" to which Shanks nodded as a yes. She looked at them with hopeful eyes and spoke "are you guys good pirates or bad pirates? Will you help me save my brothers?". After looking at those hopeful and glistening eyes, Shanks immediately knew he would do anything for this poor girl. "Are we good or bad? It's up to you to decide after we go and kick some asses and save your brothers" Shanks laughed and cheerfully replied to the kid to which she cheered and hugged the red haired captain with new hope on her face.


Yasopp was genuinely bored after their captain and their vice captain left to collect supplies from the village. He wanted to go too, but since the village was so small, they knew that two people were more than enough to do the job- but apparently that was not the case. Yasopp suddenly saw their captain and vice captain returning from the village. It wasn't even an hour since they left?! So he shouted to the rest of the crew announcing that their captain was back. God, they were leaving so soon from this island !

Apparently that was not the case, when approached closely, they noticed that their captain was holding something in his arms, or rather- holding 'someone' in his arms. It was a little girl roughly around 6 years old. She glanced towards some of the crew members but kept her hold firm on captain's shirt. No one knew what to say so they kept gazing at the little girl and the captain. Luckily, Roux was the first one to break the silence. "Captain, did you steal someone's kid?!" was the first thing he whisper-shouted. Benn sighed, that was definitely something their captain could do but right now, that was not the case, so he spoke "no he didn't kidnap her, she came to us crying to save her brothers and captain simply shouldn't resist her cuteness and agreed, so now we aren't leaving this island until her brothers are saved". Everyone agreed to save her brothers after Benn explained everything properly. Luffy smiled knowingly that they would definitely help her.

"So Luffy, tell us what happened to your brothers and where are they?" The red haired captain asked Luffy. Luffy looked at everyone's faces and started explaining what happened, how they were captured by the pirates and then the marines captured them to perform tests upon them. She teared up upon explaining what kind of tests they performed and showed them her arms, legs and stomach. That was enough to make Shanks go and fight every single of them to hurt these innocent kids. 'How dare they?!' He thought with a raging voice inside his head. Not only him, the entire crew was thinking the same as their captain, but couldn't express it. Then she explained how they tried to escape and she was the only one to escape successfully leaving her brothers behind.

Shanks crouched down to her and said "Let's go and save your brothers, shall we?" and patted her head with a smile.


They formed a plan to infiltrate the base and five people were more than enough to handle the job. Shanks, Benn and Roux decided to enter the base and Yasopp and Limejuice stayed outside the base to keep a close eye incase something happens.

Taking out the guards outside was a bit hectic but easy since there were many guards outside- probably because one of their test subjects ran away. Shanks and Benn carefully entered inside the base with Luffy still in Shanks's arms. They knew it was dangerous to take Luffy inside but unfortunately Luffy was the only one who knew where the captives were.

They stumbled upon some marines in the hallway but were easily taken down by the emperor and his right hand man. They reached the second floor and Shanks suddenly felt Luffy get tensed in his arms. "What happened Luffy?" asked Shanks with a slight amusement in his face. She looked at his face and then pointed towards one of the rooms in that floor. "The bad guys used to harm us there, they were so mean" murmured Luffy but it was enough for both of them to hear. There were five rooms in this floor and they both decided it would be better to check all five of them. Upon checking the first four rooms, they found only beds, medical supplies and various other instruments which they didn't even recognise. Benn thought it was for the best not to check them since they were only here to save the boys.

After opening the fifth room's door, they were shocked to see the atmosphere. There were huge glass tubes aligned at the centre of the room and some of them had- kids inside?! The tubes had some sort of liquids in them with kids floating inside. It was a horrible sight to watch. There was a man standing at the centre of the room, too busy to do something which they didn't knew. "H-he's the one who used to harm us!" cried Luffy, still in Shanks's arms. Shanks gritted his teeth and put Luffy down and said "Stay here, don't move anywhere else, okay?" to which the girl nodded as a reply. Shanks smiled at her and then turned back to glare at that man.

The man was wearing a white coat, long enough to reach till his knees. He finally looked the the guests in the room and chuckled. "Oh subject no. 18! You're back! Your brothers were feeling lonely without you, y know! I was wondering how could you leave them like this, *sigh* now your brothers are paying for it!" He spoke and smiled like a maniac which made Luffy more uncomfortable. "What did you do to them?!" she shouted. "You want to know? Look at this!" The man spoke and finally moved aside to show what he was doing. They all looked at the table/half bed to see a tied up boy. "I had a cool idea a while ago! I was thinking to make some of the kids have more physical strength than what they have now! Although the previous test subject's body couldn't tolerate it and his whole body just bursted! Can you believe it?! So now I'm trying it on your brother since I want this experiment to be successful!" The man spoke with a creepy laugh. That kid's entire body including his mouth was tied up preventing him to speak. Instead, he stared at Luffy with fear and then at Shanks with a hopeful eyes. Luffy teared up upon seeing his face and screamed


So how was it? Sorry if I made a lot of mistakes, English is not actually my first subject and I'm still new to this fanfiction writing thing :)

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