Start from the beginning

She approached the casket on its stand, staring at it intently. She hesitantly reached her hand out, placing her hand a top of it and shut her eyes. She tensed up when she saw destruction. War. Death. The Allfather pointing Gungnir at a large blue giant. Midgard freezing over. Asgardian armies and Jotunheim armies fighting. A crying baby. A crying blue baby. Odin entered a Temple, spotting the baby. He held the baby as it slowly stopped crying, it's blue skin turning white and red eyes into blue ones.

"I shall call you Loki..."

Kaarina gasped, stumbling back from the casket, almost falling down as tears filled her eyes. Her breathing was unbelievably shaking, almost hyperventilating. Her husband was a Frost Giant. Not just any Frost Giant. King Laufey's son. Laufeyson. Loki Laufeyson. And her daughter was half Frost Giant, half Asgardian. King Laufey's granddaughter.

Kaarina blinked several times, attempting to keep her tears at bay, but they continued to flood. She shakily spun around, almost yelping in fright when she found King Odin Allfather behind her, standing at the steps of the room.

From the tears in her eyes, the terror, The Allfather knew she knew the truth. That there was no use lying to her, like he had been for the past thousand years.

"What did you do?" Kaarina asked, almost resentful. But when he didn't answer her, she repeated herself, shouting, "What did you do...?!"

"He's my son," Odin quietly said as Kaarina narrowed her eyes.

"Why?" she asked, "Why did you take him? Why did you take him from his home?"

"He was abandoned. He would have died," Odin told her as she thickly swallowed.

"You were flooded in Jotun blood, why would you take him?" she asked.

"He was an innocent child—"

"Stop lying through your teeth!" Kaarina snapped and the Allfather pursed his lips, "You took him with a purpose. Why?"

The Allfather was silent a moment, considering what to tell her. But all those years ago, when he asked for the truth, she gave it to him. So he gave her the same consideration, despite not wanting to.

"I thought our kingdoms could unite one day. Bring an alliance. Bring peace. We could have permanent peace. Through Loki; And now that Lidianna is born, half Asgardian, half Jotun, she's the perfect—"

Kaarina's stare suddenly hardened, her fist tightening as she felt strong, angry feelings swarm up inside her chest. Her magic wanted to lash out.

"You will not be using my daughter for your political gain," she bitterly said, heated tears flowing down her face.

The Allfather stared at her silent. And blinked when he saw her begin to choke on a sudden sob,

"When you...you only allowed Loki and I to marry...only after you discovered I was pregnant," she muttered, her brown eyes glimmered in realization, "You only wanted to use her, for her blood status. How could you do that?"

"This is cost of war, my dear Kaarina," Odin told her and she breathed heavily, feeling rage now. She wouldn't let him use her daughter. She wouldn't even let him come near her again.

"I won't allow it," she said and he stared at her almost surprised, as if she had any say over his decisions, "If you don't tell Loki, I will—"

Abruptly, the doors of the vault opened to guards. Several of them. The Lady carefully eyed them all as they began to surround her.

"I can't allow you to do that," Odin said, causing Kaarina to avert her eyes back on him.

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