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And what is it...do you think, you've done to me?

——— WHEN THE NEXT MORNING CAME, the Palace was in a rush of last minute preparations for the ball. All the while, the guests of the shining castle were submitting to their own problems. Asmund was strutting through the halls of the Palace from his chambers when Rune had quickly caught up with him, matching up her steps with his, "Good morning, brother," Rune smiled.

"Morning," Asmund greeted, "You went horseback riding with Thor, Lady Sif and The Warrior's Three yesterday, yes?" And Rune nodded, "How did that go?"

"Well...he is certainly a Prince," Rune told him, "Very friendly and charming. Perfect match for our sister."

"Yes, I cannot find anything wrong about him," Asmund said and Rune narrowed her eyes confused, about to say something when, "I just...I have always pictured Kaarina to be with someone...a bit more like her."

"What, sharp, quick, and very much demanding?" Rune asked and Asmund nodded, "I think Thor fits that description."

"Maybe not the description I think of," Asmund said, "When we went hunting, he kept avoiding me, almost flinching everytime I released an arrow. They were only just arrows."

"He may possibly just been nervous around you. Trying to impress you. After all, you have been overly protective of Kaarina and have made it known to everyone here," Rune told him.

"It's my big brother duty," Asmund said and Rune chuckled, "I've imagined Kaarina to require some sort of challenge. This is too...simple."

"Simple?" Rune questioned right as he had stopped in his place, thinking a moment before turning back from where he came, "Brother?"

"Go on without me, I'll be just a moment!" And Rune shook her head annoyingly before continuing down the hall.

Leaning into the bay window of her chambers, Kaarina was head deep into a book, consuming herself in the world of it as the sun rayed down on her. But abruptly, the doors of her chamber opened. By this time, Kaarina had grown used to it that she didn't feel the need to acknowledge the one walking in.

"Sister," the deep voice of Asmund greeted as he closed the door behind him.

"Brother," Kaarina greeted back, flipping to the next page.

"Oh...I see you're back to reading," Asmund said, noticing the label, "Poetry."

"I'm distracting myself," Kaarina told him, her eyes still fixated on the words of the book.

"From what?" Asmund asked and Kaarina slightly scoffed.

"Let's not pretend that everyone is expecting me to decide my answer in the next day," She told him, and Asmund frowned his lips, "Wether or not I accept Prince Thor's proposal."

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