Ch 16: Valentine's Day

Start from the beginning

Shuichi growled at the demon in his head, but what more could he do? Everything Yoko had said was true. At least it had finally gotten the sulking demon to speak again.

*If I had known all it would take to get you to speak was spending some of your coin I would have given her the card days ago.* He told the demon in a wry tone. Yoko had been silent ever since they had been transported by the sylphan bond, and kept his thoughts well hidden deep within their shared existence.

*I'll find a way to pay you back. I didn't expect them to go that crazy with it.* He tried to explain how he had known they might take advantage a bit, though not so drastically, but Yoko merely scoffed in his ear.

'How could you not? They are children Shuichi, with no thousands year old demon to guide their decisions. More than that, she asked you for a limit, and you gave her none. You will not punish that girl for your mistakes...'

That caught the boy off guard. Yoko's tone in his mind had been severe, and he could almost see those piercing golden eyes glaring at him.

'You mustn't let her see, nor feel how much this has bothered you, lest the little kitsune will blame herself. It will destroy what little confidence she has gained in the past weeks. You are more than just her bond now boy. You are responsible for her actions, for her learning and her growth, just as I was for....' A sharp pause in the demon's chastising. Shuichi swallowed as he felt the anguish spilling from his other half. 'For Tsume...' He finished.

Taking a deep breath, the boy seized his moment, and struck. *Something happened, didn't it Yoko? You saw her while I was in the glade.*

'I assure you that was not the glade boy, but yes... I saw her for only an instant, but it was enough. I saw the face of the one who holds her as well, and when the time is right she will be mine again...'

Shuichi chuckled despite himself, and looked up from the numbers on his screen to take in the stars beyond the bedroom window. *I suppose I'll have to care for two pets when that happens, at least for a time.*A possessive snarl began on Yoko's lips, but he bit it back, instead giving a wry chuckle at the arrogant boy.

'You know, Shuichi... I never much desired having a son, but I suppose if I were to have an arrogant, spiteful, manipulative little shit version of myself... you'd do just as well...'

Shuichi grinned despite himself. His relationship with the demon he had shared a body with since birth had always been rather odd, but he was pleased to know he had earned the demon's respect at any rate. He paled however, at Yoko's next thought.

'I wouldn't grin too much boy... you'll be paying off this debt for years with the paltry sum the prince gives you for assisting the detective... perhaps this incident will give you pause the next time you think to squander my fortune with such abandon...'

Shuichi gave a nervous chuckle as he nodded to the empty room, and the demon in his mind accepted the arrangement with a smirk. Never in his thousands of years had he considered for even a moment that humans could be such entertainment, but he supposed it did help to pass the time.


Mako awoke the next morning to the sky outside his window still dark, the sound of giggles and squeals filling the apartment. He smiled to himself, and rolled over, covering his head with a pillow even as the scent of something baking reached his nose. He sniffed in the scent, and gave a small moan of hunger at the delicious smell. Wait...

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