"Hah..." He sighed out, moving from the wall to stand in front of me. "You're making a big mistake, Maddox."

"I'm serious about this, I'll go to the press-"

I reach out and wrap my hand around his neck, I push him back and slam his back into the wall behind him as I stop him from whacking my hand away as I hold him in a position that was impossible to escape from.

"You think you scared me just now, Aiden?" I spat out, inches from his face as I glared down at him in pity as his eyes widen.

"Wrong." I laughed quietly as he tried once more to get out of my hold.

I tighten my hold around his neck and make him look at me in the eye. "Do you think coming here and threatening me would work? What... because I'm your cousin I wouldn't hurt you?"

"Haah..." I closed my eyes and chuckled.


I looked him dead in the eye and tightened my hand around his neck until his face started to go red, making him desperately try to get out of my hold now as his eyes filled with tears, only when I didn't want to look at his face anymore, I released my grip and let him go.

Aiden fell to the floor as his shaking hands went to his neck as he tried to gasp for breath, I knelt down in front of him making him flinch as I stared at him, his eyes filled with tears and fear, as he looked back at me.

"Theo's mine... threaten me again and I'll kill you, talk to the press and I'll kill you, stand in front of me again and I'll kill you."

Not wanting this to drag out, as I had things to do, I stood back up and looked at him one more time, he wasn't crying anymore but he looked as though he also wanted to kill me, the fear in his eyes was gone, and all that was left was hate.

"I-I'm the only family y-you got." He coughed out, his eyes glaring up at me.

"Once he sees w-who you are, he'll leave y-you, people don't change, y-you can't change, he'll see you... for what you are."

"A fucking m-murderer!"

"Shut... up." I didn't have to listen to this, it wasn't true, I didn't-

Aiden starts to laugh out and cough as he got himself up from the floor, his hand on his neck as his glaring eyes look back at me, with the same hate I feel for him.

"You didn't tell him, s-so what? You just fuck him and it's all good?... Good luck with that, cousin." He smirked out, as I could feel my body tense.

"I'll give you a week... then I'm going public with everything." He said, as I snapped my eyes back to him.

"To go this far..." I clenched my fists tightly as I clenched my jaw. "What do you get out of this?"

Fucking Aiden, of all the years and the times he's had to test me, and he chooses to do it now, when I've finally found something worth fighting for.

"It's not fucking money so what do you want?" I snap out, as he smiles at me.

"You think I also have a choice here, Maddox? Just... do it, he'll get over it, if it's just sex for you then you'll find someone else."

With that he turns around and walks away, through the double doors leading into the main building of the gym, where everyone else is working out.

My heart starts beating wildly in my chest as I clench my eyes shut and go over everything, he just said to me, my head begins to hurt as I picture Theo's crying face in my head.

Leave him...? What world does Aiden think he's living in, telling me what to do? Like it's so simple to just leave someone I'm falling- no...

I'm not leaving Theo, and he's not leaving me, I'm happy...

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