Chapter 6

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Maddox POV

Fuck- why won't it just stay down?

I tighten my grip around my cock and lean my head against the shower was as I kept up the pace around my length, stoking myself harder, and faster to drive out the frustration that just wouldn't leave.

I wasn't sexually frustrated as I slept with someone not two nights ago, so what the fuck was wrong with my dick every time I saw that puny little shits face pop into my head.

It was becoming a fucking issue that whenever I saw him enter the gym my dick would twitch in my shorts, which to me was just something I didn't understand because I wasn't gay.

I wasn't attracted to him, I didn't get that butterfly shit, I felt nothing looking at him so then why was I jerking off to him in the showers? The whole thing was driving me crazy.

I've never wanted to fuck a guy before, but now I'm starting to think that's what I need to do to stop all these thoughts of him, invading my fucking sleep of all things, ever since last night when I dropped him off, he's all I thought of.

It wasn't sexual either, for the first time in years I was genuinely curious about him, even going as far as to google the fucking guy, only to get nothing out of it other than feeling like a damn creep for stalking him online.

He's fucking 18, and I'm almost 31, this just doesn't happen in your thirties, I had never questioned my sexuality before, because I didn't need to, I loved having sex with girls, fuck it didn't matter if they were big or small, small tits or big, I loved them all.

Not once had I thought about being with a guy, but Theo could be someone I wouldn't mind ramming my monster into.

Look at me, getting ahead of myself, he's not even into me like that.

I must be losing my damn mind.

Finishing up, not feeling any better with myself I decide to just head on home, unsatisfied with what I just did in the shower room, not feeling fulfilled from just my hand.

The week was passing quick, and the days started to blur together, I didn't have anyone to train other than John who's competing today, Friday and Theo, who I had at four for an hour, apart from that I worked with my trainer to get into shape for my upcoming fight next month.

I'd be watching John fight, hoping that he picked up anything I tought him and used it for a fucking change, that and I didn't feel like staying home with my hand wrapped around my cock, thinking of a certain someone.

I disgusted myself how little I gave a shit about what I was doing, if anything I had never felt more turned on, and horny, then I was when I thought about the things I could do to him, fuck, it made the days go faster.

I had gotten lots of offers this week, heck, I could've populated a small country with the women who were coming onto me in just one day at the gym, but I just wasn't in the mood for it.

It was nearing four and Theo would be walking through those doors any minute now, I should feel bad about how I used him to get off, but no guilty emotion came, if anything I was looking forward to our training sessions together.

I wasn't going to think too much into why I felt this way, it'd only make my head spin going around in circles to why I felt like this.

My phone started buzzing in my pocket, as I most likely got a text, so I grab my phone from my pocket and see who it was texting me.

It was a number I had saved under Theo Banks.

Theo: Hi Maddox, it's Theo, I won't be able to make it today... I'm sorry for taking this long to tell you, I haven't been feeling well and I only just woke up, sorry again, I will be back next week

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