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~Henry's P.O.V~

It's been 3 days and I still haven't spoken to my brothers. In my defense, they shouldn't be lying to me, I mean were family. I've been hanging with the group but always ignoring them, I see the desperate looks they throw my way hoping I'll talk to them, but I'm stubborn and I won't give in until they tell me why I can't see papa. Right now, we were all at the table eating lunch with tension and awkward silence in the air. 

"So..." Nik started "how's school going Henry?" Nik asked trying to start a conversation

"Why do you care?" I snap at him, feeling satisfied the way both he and Elijah flinched. If they want to keep secrets from me then fine, I just won't speak to them until they break.

Nik clears his throat "we decided that were going to tell you the reason why we don't want Mikael here" I snap my head to look up at them


"Yeah" Elijah said 

~Time skip after they told him how Mikael devoted his life trying to kill them~

I just stare at them. I don't know what kind of reaction they expect me to have. I'm not blind to papa's faults, I know what he was doing to Nik was wrong, especially after it happened to me. But they don't know what I know, they don't know that our so-called loveable mother made papa hate Nik. That Eshter was the one who killed me, that me and Nik are full brothers. Yeah, there's a lot they don't know. 

"Okay" that was my response, they looked at me like I was crazy 

"Okay? OKAY?" Nik shouted in disbelief at my response

"Niklaus-" Elijah said trying to call him 

"You don't care, do you? All you care about is getting him back" Nik said standing up 

"That's not true" I said also standing "I do care, and I'm sorry that you guys had to go through that. But... but now that I'm here, you don't have to worry about that, I can control him." Nik scoffed and Elijah took a deep breathe 

"No, you can't, not anymore, not how you used to." 

"You don't know that. Once he sees me, that I'm alive, he'll forget trying to kill you. He will." I know he will 

"Let's just all take a deep breath and calm down" Elijah said standing up, I take a deep breath and sit down

"What about the others? I want to see them." I demanded 

"No not-" I cut of Nik

"Why not? Where are they? Why are you two here, and they aren't?" 

They shared another look; I really wish they would stop doing that. 

~Time skip after they tell him how Nik daggers all of them~ 

Wow. Wasn't what I was expecting. But in a way, I kind of get it. Nik is trying to protect them, though he's going about it the wrong way, it means he cares. At least he cares. 

"When can you un-dagger them?" 

"When I know their safe" Nik said not looking at me 

"They are safe. You said it yourself papa's desecrated and chained somewhere, so why are they still daggered?" Elijah also looked to Nik for an answer

"...Fine. I'll make preparations to un-dagger them." I smile and thank him

I can't wait to see my siblings again. They're going to be quite shocked to see me alive. At the same time, I'm also nervous, I know 1,000 years have gone by and they changed. I don't know if I'm ready to see just how much.  

word count: 592

It's been forever since I posted I know, and I'm sorry for the short chapter. I just been so busy with work and renovations in our apartment, and I wanted to get something out. I just got my permit yesterday, go me! 

Anyway, I promise I'm going to try and post more often. Right now, I'm going to work on my other stories. 

See you guys soon!


The ONLY character I own is Henry James

TVD does NOT belong to me 

Til next time....

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