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~Henry's P.O.V~

I feel myself being shaken awake, I sit up and rub my eye moving my hair in the process and look up to find my bubba. Guess it's time for that prank I was talking about, he says my name... well my old name and looks like he just been hit by a bus. I look him in the eye and ask who he is, and he looks like he's ready to cry. 

"You don't remember me Henrik?" bubba ask, his voice cracking

"Who's Henrik?" I said slipping off my pillow and it disappears; I have to look even further up at him while he looks down due to me being so short (thanks dad) he crouches down in front of me and puts both of his hands on the side of both of my arms.

"Sorry little one" he calls me the nickname he used to in the past, he looks more closely at my face and his becomes enraged, one of his hands moved to my waist pulling me closer to him while the other tilts my head to the side so he can examine my face.

"Who did that to you?" he asks in a calm voice, but I can hear the anger behind it, bubba would never scare me even if he is angry. I look at the ground not wanting to tell him knowing that he might kill the harlot in blinding rage, but Nikky needs her. I hear bubba take a deep breath and he puts his finger under my chin and gently lift it so I'm looking him in the eye and once again in a calmer tone he asks who did it. I can't help but tell him the truth I've always told him the truth, once I had lied to him and he was disappointed at me, I hate when he's disappointed at me. 

"Who did it? Hmm?" he said his eyes trying to find mine

"The girl, but why do you care? I don't even know you"

"You will in due time, I'll make sure of it" I couldn't help it, I smiled, and his face twisted from a strained smile to a confused look but also a happy one

"Why are you smiling"

"Don't be mad bubba" his eyes widen at the similar nickname "I'm sorry I wanted to prank you; I remember you" I always played pranks on my family with koala (Kol), Bubba smiled and hugged me tightly picking me up in the process. He stood up straight and we saw everyone looking at us with shocked expressions when my bubba eyes land on the harlot his expression turned to one in rage, and he sets me down gently and moves towards her and roughly puts his hands around her throat squeezing, she tries to remove his hand and starts wheezing.

"Who the hell do you think you are to put your hands on my little brother? Hmm?"

"I-I" she tries to say something, but he just squeezes tighter 

"Bubba stop" I say running up to him and putting my hand on his arm "Nikky needs her remember" his eyes narrow and he reluctantly lets go of her. She falls to the floor coughing, bubba crouches down and looks at her

"If you as much as lay a finger on his head, I will make sure you never see the light of day again" he gets back up and looks towards me and tells me he has one last piece of business then we can go, he looks towards Trevor and slowly walks towards him. Trevor looked like he was about to piss his pants

"I've wait so long for this day, Elijah" he looked towards him at first then the ground "I'm truly very sorry"

"Oh, no, your apology's not necessary" bubba said circling him

"Yes. Yes, it is" Trevor said nodding his head and looking sincere "you trusted me with Katherina...and I failed you"

"Oh, yes, you are the guilty one...and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you, that, I honor" bubba said stopping Infront of him "where was your loyalty?" I knew that bubba was going to kill him, I know he hates it when people lie to him, breaks his trust, or do something that is deemed unloyal. And now that he's a vampire it's in his nature to kill, plus I'm not one to talk myself, I did kill my father. That would be hypocritical of me. I didn't want Trevor to die, he helped me plus...I want to be his friend.

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