A trip to the past

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~Jeremy's P.O.V~

After the incident with Katherine Henry came to check up on me, honestly that kid has a heart of gold. I had heard him and Elena talking beforehand so I decided to listen in when I heard Elena talking to him when I left. I know he feels uncomfortable around her, what I don't know is why. What I heard come out of Elena's mouth was the most ridiculous stuff I ever heard. Telling him to stay away from me, that isn't her choice, she made enough choices for me. And saying he's using me and everyone else to get to her, it always comes back to her, when is she going to understand that not everything is about her. Henry didn't seem to be bothered though, instead he tried to walk away and leave when Elena grabbed his arm, I was going to step in when Elena made her threat but before I could...she slapped him. She actually slapped him. 

"ELENA" my voice rang through the house as I was coming down the stairs, they both jumped, and I could see the left side of Henry's face is already forming a bruise. 

"J-Jeremy, how long have you been there?" her voice sounded way to sweet which made me feel sick

"Long enough" I said moving towards Henry to check his bruise, he had a blank look on his face which worried me, he didn't even seem to have felt it which just made me worry more

"Y-you don't understand, he threatened me Jeremy, h-he wants to kill me" don't hit her, don't hit her

"Do you even hear yourself right now? I was listening to the entire thing Elena, he didn't once threaten you, you threatened him" I yell in her face

"N-no he did, not just now, a-a-a couple of days ago" she's stuttering, she knows I caught her in a lie and she's trying to get herself out of it 

"Your lying, you're a bad liar Elena, you stutter when you lie" I turn back to Henry and flinch when I see the darkest glare on his face, I can see the fire in his eyes... literally 

"C-come on Henry" I said grabbing his hand gently and leading him to my room

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"C-come on Henry" I said grabbing his hand gently and leading him to my room

"W-where do you think you're going?" I just ignore her and close the door behind me, I turn on the lights and sit Henry down on my bed, me sitting beside him

"Are you okay Hen" I didn't even realize what I called him until it came out, he looked over to me and sighed

"Yea fine, honestly it took everything in me not to blast her into oblivion" I laugh and turn his face towards me, I was surprised when I saw that the bruise was already gone. He must have seen it on my face

"Werewolf healing" 

"Oh, right. Listen I'm sor-" before I can say anything else he cuts me off 

"Don't, don't apologize for her, if she's sorry then she would have apologized, she's not." I smile sadly at him, honestly what the hell is wrong with her

"You know this isn't the first time she slapped me" my eyes widen, what? "She slapped me two other times before, outside the Salvatore house when we first met, when she wanted to talk to me in private. And when we were kidnapped together, she even tried to get Elijah to take me instead of her" I was seething in rage by the time he finished. I felt like going down there and slapping her myself 

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