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*trigger warning for this chapter. contains sexual assult*

 contains sexual assult*

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The restraints on my wrist and ankles prevented me from trying to escape the bondage. The cold metal from the table sent shivers through my body. 

“Please! Let me go! I’ll give you money! Lucien will pay! Just let me go!” I sobbed. The guy who had kidnapped me had his back to me.

“Can you shut up!?” He said loudly. He turned around and held something in his hands. But the light could only show me so much. 

“What is that?!” I asked.

“Are we going to have to gag you?” He asked. He knocked on the metal door that led to somewhere outside. “Bring him in!” He said. 

The heavy metal door creaked open. I caught a glimpse outside. There was a hallway that had a metal hallway that was dirty and dark. 

Then someone walked in. I couldn’t see how they looked. Their tall figure loomed over me. I could feel their eyes staring at my body. 

As they walked closer, their face slowly began to become more visible.

“Edward?” I asked. There stood the guy that I kept my distance from. The person Lucien told me to stay away from.

“I knew we’d meet again.” Edward said. He walked over to me. I saw in his hands he had a ball gag.

“Edward! You don’t have to do this! Let me go! I’ll tell Lucien that you helped me! He'll spare you!” I pleaded. Edward’s eyes trailed up my body. They landed on my lips. He stood near my head. 

“Say ‘aah’.” He said. I refused to open my mouth. Giorgio came over and pried my mouth open. Edward managed to get the ball gag in and tie it tightly behind my head. 

I tried speaking and shouting. But every time I tried to, my saliva would trail to the back of my throat. Unless I wanted to choke to death, it’s better I stop trying to yell.

“Good job, Edward.” Giorgio said.

“Thanks, dad.” Edward said. I stared at them both. Father and son?

What the hell is going on?

“Aww, is Danny confused?” Edward asked in a deigned voice. “Here, I’ll explain it.” He grabbed my head and forced me to look at his father.

“That there is my father, Giorgio Lombardi. You see, he’s always had a distaste for the Vittoris. After they cheated and forced my dad into a surrender, he vowed to get revenge. But one day, after I was born, my mother was killed. Police declared it a suicide, though, we all knew what is was.” Edward said.

“My poor Annie…” Giorgio said. “She was taken from me. It wasn’t her time. You see, she was just like you. She was a normal person who just so happened to get involved with the wrong person. I knew it was the Vittoris who killed her. Ever since that day, I vowed that I would avenge her. I would get revenge on my Annie by killing the person that Lucien loves the most.” GIorgio said.

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