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Lucien tugged on my arm and started to talk to me while I couldn’t take my eyes off the bloody guy kneeling on the floor. His clothes were ruined and barely hanging on. Any exposed skin was red and bruised. 

“Danny!” Lucien made me snap out.

“Lucien?” I asked.

“Come with me. Lorenzo, bring him down to the chamber.” Lucien said. I turned and saw Lorenzo and Sylvester pick up the guy and begin to drag him. 

Lucien grabbed my wrist and began walking us through a hallway. I haven’t been down here before. We encountered a set of wooden doors which were locked by a thick chain. He unlocked it with a key he had in his pocket. 

There were a series of stairs that lead downwards, into the basement. Lucien turned on the lights and it felt less scary. He walked me down while the two other men dragged the guy down. I could hear the creak of the stairs under our feet as we descended. 

“Lucien. Where are we?” I asked him.

“You know how our business sometimes has a darker side?” Lucien asked.

“Mhm. Yeah…” I replied.

“This place is used for those things.” He replied. 

The walls were lined with thick metal. It was soundproof. There was a chair against the wall. The floor was covered in footsteps. Where the chair was, I saw small amounts of blood.

“Place him there.” Lucien pointed at the chair. 

The two men threw the guy into the chair and removed the bag over his head. His face wasn’t that damaged up. He just had a cut lip and black eye. Either way, the guy seemed normal. He looked like any other guy you would find working at Wall Street. Just an ordinary looking citizen.

“Look! I told you everything I know!” The guy pleaded.

“You laced our supply with high doses of fentanyl! You knew exactly what you were doing!” Lorenzo angrily said. “And because of you, not only did we lose profits, but you caused the death of 5 people!” 

“I-I didn’t mean to! I was paid to do it!” The guy pleaded.

“Who were you working for?” Lucien asked.

“Lombardi! That’s the one who told me to do it! They told me to go to a shipping dock and contaminate the supply!” The guy said.

“How much were you paid?” Lucien asked.

“6 thousand! I needed the money! My wife lost her job and our child needs medical help! Please don’t kill me! I swear! I’ll do anything!” He pleaded. His eyes were filled with tears as he pleaded with us to show him mercy.

“If you had come to us, we would’ve given you double. I checked your file. You live a cushy job in Manhattan. You have a nice income. But even that wasn’t enough when your daughter was diagnosed with a heart condition.” Lucien said.

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