~Lemon Bars~

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     Being dragged from your bed and forced to pack up your entire life in one day isn't that great of an experience.  Being forced to move in with people you've only met a hand full of times isn't very fun.  And yet here 16-year-old Annmarie Gray was laying in a cot in a room that was a mess.  It was clear that there was a hasty attempt to make room for the girl, the room was small and cramped, with boxes stacked high against the walls.  There was a bookcase up against the wall next to her cot, it was full of books from her godfather's college days.  The room was dark and silent leaving the girl to weep silently.  

    The morning sun cast a golden glow across her face the next morning.  Reluctantly she got up and stretched and rubbed her raw red eyes.  She glanced around the room still not fully processing what has happened.  Then it hit her.  She was all alone in a new state, with people she didn't even know.  Her mother and father were dead and the family house no longer belonged to them.  Life was peachy.  Truly could not get better.  


Currently, she was staying with her Godmother, Theresa Daniels if she remembers correctly.  Theresa was a year older than her mother and grew up next door to her, Theresa was completely willing to take on raising Annmarie despite the friendship falling apart when their daughters were only 3 years of age. Theresa married Dr. William Daniels when she was 20 years old and welcomed her own daughter, Nichole, about 6 months before Annmarie was born.  

When she arrived the night before Nichole was already asleep so she didnt have a chance to re-meet the girl she was supposably best friends with when she was a young toddler.   Appone her arrival she was given a bowl of chili with crackers and sent to bed so she didnt have the chance to really do anything, though the entire time Theresa and William had been very kind to her, a gesture she was thankful for.  

Slowly Annmarie cracked her back and neck, stiff from the uncomfortable cot.  Then she heard a knock on her bedroom door.  When she opened it a girl who was around 5'2 with a knee-length yellow spaghetti strap dress with a white tee shirt under it, a row of buttons went down the front.  Her hair was braided down to her midback.  "Um hello," She piped up she looked nervous," I'm Nichole, you must be Annmarie Gray?"  Annmarie nodded, "Well I was about to head off to school I just wanted to tell you that I have a tv in my room and an Xbox you can go in there while I'm gone, I also made some eggs and bacon its in the kitchen I was unsure how you liked them," Nichole scratched the back of her head, "Well my parents are at work and won't be home until 6 and 8 so you'll be alone until two, and fair warning I am bringing a friend over to stay the weekend so I just wanted to tell you that so you're not uncomfortable, you're allowed to eat and drink whatever you want just try not to make any big meals mom makes huge meals so yeah, I'm sorry I'm rambling hehe,"  she gave her a smile showing off her braced teeth, "well I'll see you at 2:30."  Nichole turned away, and headed back to her bedroom, they where neighbors.  

"Call me Marie!"  She called down the hall, she wasn't even sure if Nichole heard her.  After she closed her door Marie headed over to her duffle bag and pulled out her hairbrush and ripped it through her black hair.  Then she tied it up with a dark blue scrunchie, she dressed in a heavy Harvard sweatshirt and some mom jeans.  "God," She mumbled to herself, "I look like a millennial mom with a fake tan and blond highlights."  

After dressing and brushing her teeth, she went down to the kitchen, where she watched Nichole leave while she ate.  Nichole got everything correct, the bacon was crispy and the eggs cooked where there were no snotty whites, something her father did.  

At the thought of her father Marie's eyes burned with tears, the only thing she could think about at that moment were all the times when she yelled at him and when he yelled at her.  All the times when she wished death on him over something mediocre.  Now look where she was in a house that smelled of lemon pine sol and a family that she didnt even know.  

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