Kalia blushed at his words and leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the lips. "I think I'm the lucky one," she whispered. "I'll see you soon."

Anthony Jr. watched her walk away to the door, feeling a sense of happiness and contentment wash over him. He knew he was ready to take the next step with Kalia and see where their relationship would go.

Meanwhile on a rooftop 5 miles from the fancy restaurant, we see a 18 year old boy Lee Towson, 17 year old girl Raven Towson, 18 year old Maverick Kuribayashi Mattis and 17 year old Sasha Fernandes with Binoculars. All four smiling seeing the couple.

"I knew my older sister was strong and brave." Sasha said proud about her older sister.

Raven chimes in, "Yeah, Kalia is amazing. She's always had a level head and has been able to control her telekinesis from a young age."

Maverick nods in agreement, "She's definitely someone to look up to."

Lee adds, "I'm just glad Jr. finally realized what he had right in front of him."

The group shares a laugh as they continue watching the couple from afar.

The two walk together enjoying their time.

As they walked, Kalia and Anthony Jr. talked about their future plans. Kalia expressed her desire to attend Harvard and study robotics while Anthony Jr. talked about his dream of becoming either a professional huntsman or joining the United States Marine Corps.

They both laughed about how they could potentially end up on opposite sides of the world, but Kalia reassured him that they could handle it if it ever came to that.

They eventually reached a park and decided to sit down on a bench. As they talked more, Anthony Jr. felt his heart racing. "Kalia, I know we've been a couple for a long time but...I can't stop thinking about you. I love you, Kalia Fernandes."

Kalia was surprised but also happy to hear Anthony Jr.'s confession. "I love you too, Anthony Towson Jr." She said with a smile. The two shared a kiss and held each other tightly.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, Lee, Raven, Maverick, and Sasha cheered quietly, happy for their friends. They knew that Anthony Jr. and Kalia had something special and they couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

It is noted that, Sienna named Kalia after Ghira's wife Kali, but with an 'a' at the end.

The next day we see Ruby and her 16 year old daughter Crystal Rose playing a fighting video game.

As they played the game, Ruby's eyes lit up with excitement as she scored a point against her daughter. Crystal Rose, who was determined to win, focused intently on the game. After a few more minutes of intense gameplay, Crystal Rose finally managed to defeat her mother.

Ruby looked at her daughter with a proud smile, "You're getting better and better every day, Crystal."

Crystal Rose beamed with pride, "Thanks, Mom! You're still really good too."

Ruby chuckled, "Well, I have a lot of experience. But I have to say, you're catching up to me quickly."

As they continued to play, Ruby couldn't help but feel grateful for the family she had built. Even though she had lost so much in the past, she had gained so much more in return.

Meanwhile, we see David Jr. and Lea Towson in front of a United States Marine Corps recruiting center. Both were planning to enlist in the Marines just like their fathers.

As they approach the entrance, a Marine Corps recruiter greets them and asks if they are interested in enlisting. David Jr. nods, "Yes, sir. We both are." The recruiter smiles and hands them both some informational brochures. "Well, that's great to hear. Take a look at these and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me."

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