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At the UN base, Marines were either clearing away debris, fixing radios or radio stations and tending any wounded. Luckily the base of 50,000 Marines were unharmed. However, the city that's not to far from the base was in bad condition. Helicopters and Ospreys were sent to help any people trapped on top of buildings or search for survivors. Ground vehicles were coming in or out of the base either picking up wounded or heading to the city.

The Marines worked tirelessly to help those affected by the earthquake. Medical teams were set up to treat the injured and emergency supplies were distributed to those in need. The UN base became a hub of activity, with Marines from all the countries working together to provide aid.

As the weeks passed, news reports began to emerge about the appearance of the new continents. Scientists were baffled and governments around the world were scrambling to figure out what had happened. The UN launched an investigation and sent teams to explore the new land masses.

Meanwhile, the Marines at the UN base continued to work around the clock to provide assistance to the people affected by the earthquake. They were exhausted, but determined to help in any way they could. The camaraderie and teamwork between the Marines from different countries was inspiring, and many friendships were formed during this trying time.

Finally the radios were fixed and communication was up and running. Lieutenant General William Cole of the USMC quickly ordered reinforcements for assistance. He was also told to send in a company of Marines for a joint operation that's happening later in 2 weeks. William decided that he should send the 235th Papa Company of the 21st UN Marines. Anthony, David, Shino, Mari and Igor are in this company as well.

William quickly video chat the officers of the 235th Papa Company to give them orders for the joint operation. He explained that the mission is to secure a village in a conflict zone that has been under attack by rebels for the past few weeks. The village is vital for the locals as it provides food and shelter.

The officers were informed that they will be working with the same coalition of the other countries' Marines such as Russia, China, Ukraine, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Australia, Korea and Japan. They were also told that the operation will be led by a German Marine Lieutenant Colonel named Johann Bauer.

Anthony, David, Shino, Mari and Igor were all excited to participate in the joint operation, but they knew it was going to be a tough one. They quickly got to work preparing their gear and weapons for the mission.

The next two weeks were spent training and familiarizing themselves with the other Marines they will be working with. They had to learn each other's tactics, communication methods, and chain of command to ensure smooth cooperation during the operation.

Finally, the day of the joint operation arrived. The 235th Papa Company boarded a C-5 Galaxy plane that will transport them to the village. They were joined by their coalition partners, and together they headed to the conflict zone.

Later, as they arrived at the outskirts of the village, they saw smoke and heard gunfire in the distance. The mission was about to begin, and the Marines were ready for whatever lay ahead.

When they arrived at the village, they saw rebels were wearing white outfits and wore masks.

 When Anthony saw them he was a little shocked and confused. "Are.....those the White Fang?" He muttered quietly, but every else heard him.

He shook his head and told David to watch out for any oncoming fire. David nodded his head as he drove the JLTV faster. Anthony then told Igor to make sure to fire in short bursts. Igor responded by pulling the charging handle back loading a round in the M2 Browning machine gun.

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