Chapter 4

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No photo unless said otherwise are mine including all pregnancy photos used in this story rights to original owner.

  A loud pop echoes through my room two identical red heads appearing. I startle for a moment preparing to ask why they popped into my room when I noticed the look on their faces. They know, the question is how? The only possibility is they eves dropped which isn't shocking for the two. I push George of my bed, yes I can tell the difference, as I plop down on the now abandoned spot. " What are you doing here?" I ponder. Why should they care? "We heard you talking to Hermione,"  George admits now kneeling at my feet. "And we-" he starts only to get cut of by his silent counterpart a playful glare aimed at the back of his head "I needed to let you know we're here for you; and for the baby," he finishes  before hesitantly moving his hand towards my stomach allowing my plenty of time to shy away from his touch. It rests lightly over my oversized shirt, pulling the fabric slightly taut giving me the look of being slightly bloated no bump visible. Still he smiles before slowly removing his hand when the door shut Fred leaving us alone. My eye stayed glued to the spot his hand left mind racing. Is this how it would be if Cedric was still here? I internally questioned not mentally able to say the words I know so deeply to be true. Would he sit next to her with sparkling eyes wet with tears as they both smile waiting for the greatest joy in their life to be delivered months an eternity that will pass in mere minutes if they where together, instead time drags on.  I don't realize I'm crying until a tear is wiped from my cheek. I don't have time to react before getting pulled into a tight hug. My first true embrace in month, not the fake ones of unknown mourners, yet one of a friend. Someone who truly cares. Someone who truly thinks I matter. I sob into his shoulder face resting by his neck as he holds me not letting go. For the first time since the night at the maze I feel safe.

AN; photo on top is baby bump hope you enjoyed this chapter will try to update more often with all the love Esme

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