Hard To End 27

35 6 0


Unknown Number

2:00 pm

See you later

This is Lander By the way.

Got your number from your mom:⁠'⁠(
received 2:10

ow. okay, I guess we will see you later.


you bring brownies? your mom told me that you are good at baking.

i don't really know, hindi naman. hobby ko lang.

hm, I hope you bring some? can I request that? I really enjoyed the last batch you gave me.


yes, not too sweet. just right with coffee or milk.

thank you.

do you often bake? 

what else can you bake?

I'm sorry, I have too many questions. I hope I'm not disturbing you.

no, not at all. yes, I often bake... these past few days have been stressful kaya medyo napapadalas.

i can bake chocolate chip cookies, moist cake, and brownies—just those basic ones.

basic ones? Well, I can't do it so it's definitely not basic.

maybe you need practice, baking takes a lot of practice just like the arts.

your right, I hope I could learn before I burn our house down.  ̄へ ̄

have you tried watching videos? it helped me too. I'm sure you'll learn from yt.

I did! burned my fingers trying to test the oven if it's ready.

well, it can be arranged. will you teach me?

to bake I mean.


yup you, If it's okay with you. don't worry! i'll provide all the ingredients and needed things. I just really want to learn baking.


i want to bake for someone. 
read 2:30

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