Marshall straightens up, breathing heavily as his gaze meets mine while I lay on the floor.

His eyes are pitch black. Like Slim Shady's eyes usually are.

But that cannot be right, can it? It's not 3am right now.

"Yo, fuck this!!" One of Eric's henchmen then exclaims, inadvertently bringing Marshall's (or is it Slim Shady, no, it can't be!!) attention to him. "Listen my nigga," he continues to talk. "Ain't none of us here bear you or your girl any ill will. Eric, he hired us to help snatch her up cause he's got a personal grudge against you. Now Eric is dead. It ain't personal for any of us no more, and none of us want no smoke, so..."

Before he even gets to finish his sentence, Marshall pulls out a gun out of the waistband of his sweatpants and shoots the man right in the head.

"Oh fuck!!" One of the other dudes then exclaims.

Marshall then proceeds to shoot them both in cold blood as well.

He smirks and tucks the gun back into his pants, looking around him and making sure Eric didn't have anymore accomplices.

Once he's satisfied, he wipes the blood splattered on his face with the back of his hand.

Then he makes his way over to me and crouches where I continue to lay helplessly.

And it's official then.

I am about to throw up.

Don't know exactly if it's from my nerves or the disgust at all of the carnage I witness right in front of me, but the buttom line is, I really am about to die from chocking on my own vomit, since with that tape over my mouth, it won't have no place to go...

In one quick motion, Marshall rips the duct tape off of my mouth then, causing me to wince in pain.

I then dry heave a few times. I open my mouth, but shockingly enough, nothing comes out, I don't throw up, even if I continue to feel like it.

Marshall smirks and pats my back roughly with one if his large hands.

"There, bitch. You are safe now. Or whatever other shit I'm supposed to say in this situation."

"Marshall?!" I gasp as he frowns.

"Nah, think again," he smirks, reaching behind me and untying the ropes binding my wrists swiftly, apparently he is a whole lot better at this than I am.

A thought occurres to me but it's way too absurd to be true.

"I'm Shady," he confirms, smirking again and pulling me to my feet.

"But how can you... it's not 3am right now!! Marshall said..."

"Marshall is gone," he interrupts me coldly. Just as that weird dream I just had comes back to the forefront of my mind. Marshall in that cage...

"No, he can't be!!" I shake my head frantically, just as he snatches me up by my arm and begins dragging me with him somewhere.

"Oh, but he is," Shady states evilly.

When I don't follow behind him fast enough, in fact, I continue to dig my heels into the ground, Shady turns around and slaps me across the face. He easily overpowers me and scoops me into his arms and continues to drag me along like a rag doll.

When we stop in front of his destination, Marshall's car, he pops the trunk and looks at me evilly once again.

"Get in there," he says evilly to me once again.

I look from him to the open trunk.

"Hell no!!" I exclaim, panicking.

Shady smiles.

3am (Eminem / Slim Shady Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now