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*Scars pov*

As I wake up I see a piece of paper on the window.

Hey Scar! I had to leave early for some personal reasons, I want you to take care of my plants on your nightstand should be a book full of information about how to take care of plants. Also I gave the book to your dad and the key to the garden. Also if anyone asks why your in my garden just say I had gave you permission. Thanks Scar!
- Grian

I run out of the house to check up on grians plant's almost forgetting the book. I open the gate to be met with an empty garden with a little shovel on the ground and gloves. "Hmm let's open the book.." I open it to the first page.

Put on the gloves then grab the shovel like the picture shown below *none shown for imaginary purposes* I follow the instructions then I see something from the back of the shovel. This is an achievement! Nice Scar! ^^  I blush from the note I stick it into the back of the book so then I can read it. "Uh, excuse you!" A voice called. "What are you doing here?" I sigh. "I'm scar! Grian's neighbor..? The one I'm over at?" She crosses her arms. "Well you shouldn't be in there! Your trespassing! Are you stealing his flowers as well?!" I realized something. "Are you related to Grian?" She nods. I think I know who it is. "Are you his aunt or grandma?"

"His aunt. He never told me that he was gonna let someone just trespass every now and then!" I roll my eyes and grab out my phone dialing his number. It rings. "What are you-" I put my finger in front of her. "Hey G! So you never told me that you had someone over at your house....and they are accusing me of trespassing." I hear rustling. "Oh yeah that's my Aunt, she's really weird about my house. She thinks anyone I let the garden keys to is trying to break in." She shakes her head and takes my phone. "HEY!" She starts talking with Grian.

*grians pov*

I hear rustling. "HEY!" I hear scars voice faintly. My parents check up on me. "Hey G, so this Scar person..are they your friend?" I hum in response. "Why do you keep giving the garden keys to your friends and not me?!" I sigh. "The last time I did, you took all of my flowers. For yourself."I hear rustling which were they are giving the phone back to scar"Sorry about that Scar, she's insane sometimes."

"Hah! Your telling me! Anyway I just wanted to tell you that and say hi!" I blush. "Y-yeah! Um bye Scar!" "Bye!!!" I become flustered. My parents walk up to me. "Is Aunt takin care of the plants again?" I shake my head still blushing. "Why are you blushing..?"

I shake it off. "Blushing what?" They look at each other and shrug. I walk off into the kitchen and start texting Scar.


hey Scar you there? ,:D

Oh yeah I am! C:

Mind if I text you I'm pretty bored- XD

No don't at all XD

So what are you excited for? The ya know... constructive arts?

Ohh yeahh!!  I'm excited for learning how to just plan out better blue prints!! :D

How bout you? :^

Oh for me I want to make some potted plants so maybe the making of bricks! •V•

Of course! XDD no offense to you of course! ^V^

Heh, I understand!
Anyway I'm gonna eat now! Bye Scar!!! ^U^

Bye G!!  ^U^

I turn off my phone and open the fridge. I grab out some food and start watching a video to eat, if course. Who doesn't? Psychopaths don't... I finish eating soon after then lay on my bed thinking about life, then scar comes onto my mind. I smile at the memory of him smiling at me. Then I look down blushing. I look down at my phone to see a text.

Hey G! Just wanted to see if you still want the school work, the teacher made me grab it for you so. I can always do it for you...

I roll my eyes and agreed for him to do it for me. I continue with letting my imagination take me where it goes, then I get a weird feeling. "Why did he ask me that..?" I look down at the message again and reread it. It looks like he hesitated to write this to me. I chuckle and think more about Scar. "Oh yeah is the plants ok?" I open up my phone, AGIAN. To see if Scar's taking care of the plants.

Hey are you taking care of my plants???

Yeha! Why?

Nothing just making sure

Oki! ^U^

I blush from his text message, he's just so kind half the time.. I look out the window, remembering the first day we had met, the hedge, me running into it, and scars smiling face. I lay still in my bed for hours on end then after I knew it. It was time for some rest.

I walk up still thinking about Scar, and his smile. I grab a glass of water and chug it. "Grian, the plants! Check on them!" I nod and give a thumbs up.  I pick up the phone to only be met with Scar. "Hello?" He says hesitantly.

"Hey Scar! So I'm checking on my plants!"
"Oh yeah! They are doing great trust me!"
"Ok, mind if I stay in call with you though? I can't sleep right now and-"
"Yeah! I mean- I'm fine with it!"

I smile and drag myself to my bed, then as soon as I started talking with him I heard him yawn, I blush. "I'm tired, this could be an online sleep over!" I feel his tired smile through the screen. "Yeah how about we do that..?" I yawn loudly. Then I hear nothing on Scars side besides a cats meows. "Night Scar..."

1014 Words! XDD

I love this storyyyy🥺 I made Grian WAYY to wholesome and cute. Anyway, hope you all enjoyed this story and I will see you in the next one!


Every Way Lead Me to You | Scarian High School AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن