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*grian pov*

I wake up, I blink a couple times and move. I'm Grian, I love to be around nature also pretty introverted. "Grian, your foods ready." That's my mum. I walk down the stairs to be welcomed with my cats walking up to me asking for food. "Did you feed them..?" Pearl starts clawing at my trousers. I bend down and pet Maui and Pearl.

I walk outside to start working on the garden. Then a notification.

Mumbo Jumbo is AFK

Hey G, at school yet?

Nope woke up early so then I could tend to my plants

Oh ok-
I was just wondering

I close my phone and continue working. I hum to some ones that are stuck in my head. "Bye Dad!" I hear. I stop and look up. It was a tall brunette, seemed like he was athletic. I walk out to check up on the hedges and bump into him. "Oh sorry!" I say backing into the hedge. "Nooo, my precious baby!! MY HEDGE!" I start panicking. He chuckles. "I'm assuming your my neighbor?" I nod. "I'm Scar, are you going to school? Which one?"

I point to the one in front of us. It's huge, looks like a mansion but it really isn't, that's school focuses on our skills and talents. It also has a fountain in front and myth says if you wish hard enough and you don't give up, it comes true. There's also another myth that talks about the annual Sakura Tree Kiss, when it's time everyone goes there and the first person that approaches the person under the Sakura Tree can tell them anything or do anything. Besides something bad like vandalism or... ya know. The Sakura tree apparently talks to anyone and everyone that's there and the two have to be close or in love. Either way goes.

"Oh your going to Special Talents and Skills, too?" I look at him. "Yeah I am, I'm Grian by the way." He chuckles, "mind if I come into your backyard?" I think. I open up the window. "Mum mind if I open the backyard gate for the neighbor?" She looks at Scar. "Hmm what's his name?"

"Scar. Names Scar,"
"And did you guys just meet?"
"I'm trusting you G, you can do it."
"Thanks Mum!"

I close the window. And walk to the gate. I jump to reach the handle. Then Scar opens it. I blush. "I keep forgetting I'm not alone.." he laughs, then smiles. "It's fine, ooo nice garden! Did your mom work on it?" I sweat a bit. "N-no I did it myself," he pauses then looks at the flowers. "Look at this one! It's so pretty!" I smile. "You like flowers?" He shakes his head.

"Not that much but I do enjoy looking and smelling them!" I nod, "Ok I guess that makes sense-" Mum steps outside. "Boys you two need to go to school! Your almost late!" We run off grabbing each other's backpacks with out the other knowing. "Wait you grabbed my bag!" We quickly switch and we run inside to our class. "Hello boys! My your teacher, Mr. Pix. And I will teach technology," we both take our seat but I, of course, had to fall off. Scar chuckles and goes back to paying attention

*time skip*

It was now lunch. I sit down under a tree, I check. "No its not the Sakura tree, Y/n." I shake my head. Then Scar approaches me. "Hey G!" I freeze from Scar saying my name. "Who were you talking to?" I finally move. "I was just talking to myself.." he nods. "So what main class are you going to take?" I look at the blades of grass. "Maybe...gardening! Or constructive arts!"

"That's neat I might take some sports and maybe constructive arts as well!" I dig my face into my sweater with overalls, to hide my blushing face. He smiles back and scoots closer. We start talking about nothing and everything at one as we ate, then as we knew it lunch was over. We had to go our separate ways, waving to each other.

*scars pov*

I walk to the bathroom, where I stare at myself. I start thinking about Grian and start blushing. I gasp and trip on nothing. "I can't love agin!" I cover my face. My mind starts racing. My mind repeats the same thing. I can't love agin... I CAN NOT... I run into a stall to not make a fool out of myself. Then I hear a loud outburst. I recognize that outburst, "B-Bdubs?" The short male, with a mossy jacket looked at me. "Scar! What happened? Anyone you want me to kill?" I shake my head. "Just...I think I'm breaking one of my rules for myself." I explain. "What is that- ohh..." we both nod.

"Why did you promise it again?" I look down. "I had a crush on ya know, Doc. And he turned into a jerk and don't wanna risk it," we both stay there in a moment of silence and I eventually leave. I walk to my class, everyone was working but in a chaotic manner. I plop myself down and start drawing my ideas for our project that's already assigned. I grab my notebook and write a little letter.

Dear G,

I know we may have just met but I might like you. I'm going against my code for you G. I care, I love your little outfit as well. I think you would look better with a flower in your hair. :] Anywya, I would like to know you more. I want to maybe take you out if I can.. I dunno though. I would love to be with you, if you aren't taken...

Love ya,

I pull out a sheet of paper for my project and start making ideas.

*end of the school day!*

I run out of the school to my house. "I'm hooMEEE!" I trip over the step for the millionth time. "Careful Scar!" My dad looks outside. "You could have told me that before I had fell.." I stumble inside to only see jellie on the windowsill. She was maybe waving to something. I look over and it was another cat at Grians place. Then I see Grian put up a piece of paper on the window. Hey, if ya want here my number. Then he turns it around to reveal his number. He peaks then i give him a thumbs up.

1088 words!!

I really did this before I went to sleep XDD Anyway, hope you enjoyed this and I will see you in the next one.


Every Way Lead Me to You | Scarian High School AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن