"Me, too," Chica greed. "I mean, the kids aren't even allowed on our stage. Why would it be different for Pirate's Cove?" Her cupcake companion voiced his own agreement from his perch on her shoulder. Foxy shrugged. "It don't matter now..." He said, still sounding understandably upset. "If it makes you feel any better," Puppet spoke up. "We aren't going to let the company do anything bad to you. Trust me."

"That's right," Freddy put a hand on the fox's shoulder. "You're stuck with us, pal." Foxy managed a small smile, but only for a second. "... Aye aye, Cap'n." The bear nodded. "Good." He hummed. "We'll let you finish your tea, alright?" Foxy nodded, taking another sip of the tea. His bandmates all left, giving him some space for the rest of the night.


Foxy couldn't help shaking his head, chuckling as he listened to Mangle retell how the day went at this new restaurant. "It was hilariously cute," She commented. "I felt a little bad though, because her cotton candy was ruined after that. But, an employee saw and gave her a new one for free." Mangle explained, smiling. "So's, it worked out, then." Foxy noted, to which the other fox nodded.

"Y'know, I've noticed somethin' 'bout ye, lassie," Foxy began. Mangle looked curious of what he would say. "Ye seem t'a be great 'round the kiddos who come 'ere." She shrugged. "We've gotta give them a good time to remember when they come here, don't you think?" Foxy nodded in agreement. "Aye, but also, ye don't seem all too bothered when the little ones start gettin' grabby wit' ye." Mangle shook her head 'no'. "Oh no, it's not that bad. I mean, it can get a bit overwhelming sometimes, but now that I know how 'flexible' I can literally be, it's actually been easier to handle the kids."


"Yep." Mangle hummed, giving Foxy a quick wink with her left eye. Foxy chuckled. "And anyways," She continued. "The kids who come around Kids Cove are usually really young, so it's only natural that they'd be curious about everything around them." She explained. "Being a bit more patient with the littler ones helps a lot." Loosely crossing his arms across his chest, Foxy hummed. "... I s'pose it do, don't it." He commented. "Though, it don't sound like I'm nearly as patient with the kids as ye are."

"I'll let you in on a secret," Mangle told him. "It really helps to be relaxed around kids. I find it easier to keep up with them that way... if that makes sense?" Foxy gave her a thumbs up. "Aye, it do, be it in a backwards way, though." Both foxes laughed. "Alrighty, then." Mangle answered, her laughter dying down a bit.

Casually laying her head on Foxy's shoulder, Mangle glanced across the room to the nearest clock. "It's almost six." She noted, followed by a yawn. Foxy looked down at her. "Tired, are ye?" Mangle smirked, and nodded. "I suppose me crew'll be headin' back to th' parts room, so's I'll let ye get yer rest for today." Foxy said. He stood up straight from leaning against a party table, and gave Mangle a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Oh, okay. C'ya ."


Several days ago, two new additions had been brought in to their newest location—making for newer 'attractions' to allure more customers. Two twin kids, both with brightly colored eyes and rosy cheeks. Balloon Boy and Juggling Jenny, who were also given the nicknames BB and JJ. Almost everyone was fawning over them, doing their best to make the kids feel welcome in the 'family'.

Foxy had obviously noticed the way Mangle seemed to have appointed herself in making sure the twins were looked out for. True, she wasn't the only one who did this. Others like Fredrick and Chica were also making sure they were looked after and well fed. But, Mangle always seemed to go out of her way to make sure BB and JJ were alright.

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