How It All Began

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"F-father?" Kageyama stuttered in a hushed tone, his eyes stuck on the horrible image that was displayed in front of him. His mother was laying on the ground, bleeding with stab marks all over her body. The ground was soaked in the thick, red liquid oozing out of her body, her eyes staring lifelessly at Kageyama's terrified form. His father turned around and smiled creepily. 

"Tobio~ My dearest Tobio, you won't tell on Daddy, right?" His father cooed. Kageyama started shaking intensely, his eyes still glued on his mother's dead body. His father turned to see where his gaze was but laughed when he realized. 

"Mommy was being a bad girl, she was not listening to Daddy. You'll listen to Daddy right, Tobio?" His father asked as he knelt in front of Kageyama. Kageyama's eyes darted around until he found himself staring into the eyes' of his mother's heartless killer.

"Y-you killed Mommy...You killed Mommy!" Kageyama shouted as tears fell down his face. His father's eyes hardened. His father pulled him into a tight hug and began stroking his hair.

"There, there, Tobio. You are safe with Daddy, be good for Daddy and you'll be okay," His father whispered into Kageyama's ear. Kageyama didn't have the strength to struggle and fell asleep in the arms of his father. 

His father smiled as he looked down at Kageyama. He caressed Kageyama's cheeks and hummed as he stood up. He looked over to the body of his ex-wife and back at the sleeping 5 year old in his arms. 

"I better clean this mess before anyone else sees," His father muttered. His father walked upstairs and entered Kageyama's room. He walked over to the bed and gently placed Kageyama on the bed and leaned over, placing a kiss on Kageyama's forehead. 

"Good night, my King," His father said as he walked out, closing the door behind him. Once his footsteps could no longer be heard, Kageyama opened one of his eyes and looked around. He saw that he was in his room alone. Kageyama quietly creeped into the bathroom and looked around for something useful. He checked the cupboard and found tape, bandages, chemicals, and a razor. Kageyama gathered the stuff up and placed them under his floor board, something his sister made just for him to hide his stuff. 

Kageyama heard footsteps go up the stairs and he quickly and quietly jumped in bed and pretended to be asleep. His door opened and his father peaked in, his eyes softening at the boy's calm figure. He walked over and sat on the bed. Kageyama gave a light groan and shuffled a bit before pretending to sleep once again. His father chuckled quietly and watched Kageyama's body as he "slept." 

"My dear son, I never want you to leave my side. I will protect you, keep you away from those that want to taint your mind. You are special and I want to keep it that way, my precious," His father murmured, staring at Kageyama's adorable face. Kageyama wanted to jump up and run but that wouldn't work so he just continued his act. 

"Mhhmm...Daddy...stars..." Kageyama murmured quietly, a small smile on his face for a fleeting moment. His father smiled cheerfully and stroked Kageyama's hair. 

"Yes, Tobio, we'll go someday and see the stars. No one else but me and you," His father whispered before standing up and walking out. Once Kageyama was sure he was gone, he opened his eyes and looked around. Miwa always had an extra phone hidden under her bed in her room, he just needed to sneak to her room and retrieve it. 

Kageyama sat up and put on his best "still sleepy and just woke up" look and walked out of his room sluggishly. He saw that the hallways were dark and he walked downstairs. He didn't notice his father turn to see him walk into the kitchen. Kageyama walked into the kitchen and sat on a stool. He wanted milk but had continue his act incase his father walked in. He placed his head on his arms.

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