The Au

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In this au, Kageyama is still the youngest at the age of 15. He is very smart but acts dumb to fit in and not be picked on. He can play many roles in volleyball such as Libra, Setter, Spiker, Middle Blocker and an attacker. He was adopted by Daisuke Kambe and Haru Kambe. He is the baby of the Kambe family and very innocent. His siblings are protective of him and love him a lot. 

Anygays, there is a Hinata harem consisting of Atsumu, Oikawa, Tsukishima, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Lev, Yuki, Kunimi, kindaichi, Bokuto, Semi, Shirabu, Akama, Komori, and Suna. The people that take it to the extreme on Kageyama is Atsumu, Tsukishima, Kenma, Kindaichi, Kunimi, Shirabu, Oikawa, and Akama. Yamaguchi quickly sees how his best friend is changing and acting and quickly distances himself and hangs out with Yachi more. Lev and Yuki grow out of feeling once they see how some of the harem act and leave for the better. Bokuto had a small crush on Hinata but fell out of it and began dating Akaashi. Semi sees how the harem is harassing Kageyama and leaves, taking Suna with him. Suna is taken with Semi and agrees with Semi that the harem has gotten out of hand, it was supposed to be wholesome and kind. Komori isn't really interested, he is more into setters like Kageyama and leaves the harem as he grew tired of it. 

Hinata knows he has a harem but treats them like friends, but they take it the wrong way. He likes Kageyama and is making slow progress to show that to the blueberry. 

Kageyama is silent due to an incident when he was younger. His father killed his mother in front of him and slashed his throat. While he was bleeding out, he managed to get the police to come over with an ambulance. He made it but his mother didn't. His father was no where to be seen and Kageyama suffered from pain when talking. He went off as silent, or known as mute. He got bullied by his peers because of his amazing grades and kind personality. He wears a mask like Sakusa's but a dark blue. He is slightly a germaphobe as the sight of something gross and disgusting reminds him of how he used to live. 

During middle school, he went over to Oikawa to hand him his ball that he left but Oikawa took it the wrong way and tried to hit him but Iwaizumi stopped him. Kageyama never went near Oikawa again in fear of getting hit. Oikawa does miss him and would find himself staring Longingly at Kageyama, waiting for the small male to run up to him and give him the looks he loved so much. Glittering, innocent blue eyes, staring up at him in admiration. Oikawa couldn't help but turn him away as he loved the look Kageyama had when he declined. The adorable pout that played on Kageyama's lips and the kicked puppy expression is what he enjoyed seeing. 

Kageyama was the strongest on the team and had the strength and will the others on the team didn't possess. His mere presence made the air lighter, more joyful, something Oikawa was jealous of. Oikawa saw how Kageyama was so perfect, so innocent and pure, that he made him start a rumor. 

"Kageyama is such a king, he bosses everyone around and hates everyone. He only uses them for his selfish wants and desires. King of the Court is also so rude. He shouts if the spiker can't hit his sets and blames them and doesn't try to fix it. He expects us to work harder than him and he gets to sit on a thrown. He is such a selfish, fat, ugly King, thinks he is superior than everyone else" -Oikawa Tooru

Those were the words he spoke out to his group of gossiping fangirls, whom all helped spread it. Soon enough, Oikawa was in the spotlight and loved by everyone. Kageyama was forgotten and thrown into the dark, bullied ruthlessly and abused by his teammates. Not too long after, his grandfather died in his sleep from a heart attack and his sister, Miwa left him due to the stress. She would sometimes call him but slowly forgot about  him...leaving him alone. 

Kageyama spend his whole vacation watching volleyball videos and learning different styles, positions, plays, and special moves. He trained his stamina, agility, and everything else. He was able to jump 345 cm high and run very fast. He can run a 100m track in 10.57 seconds which is very fast and he was trained by a retired tracking coach that saw something special in him. 


Kageyama has blackish-blue hair and pretty blue eyes. He has very angelic features if you aren't blind enough to not see them. He is around Yamaguchi's height, an inch shorter. He is very soft, innocent, cute, clingy, and has trust issues. He also has bad anxiety and goes through night terrors a lot. He wears a blue mask like Sakusa's and doesn't speak. He carries a notepad everywhere with him. He is still a milk addict and loves crows. He can look scary if you provoke him or mess with his friends. 

He will have a harem consisting of Hinata, Osamu, Asahi, Yamaguchi, Kuroo, Yaku, Lev, Yuki, Iwaizumi, Kyotani, Bokuto (poly), Akaashi (poly), Ushijima, Semi, Terushima, Hiroo, Sakusa, Komori, Kita, and Suna. 

He meets most of them at Training Camp Week and grows more comfortable. He doesn't wear his mask during the training week as it is against the rules and his coach said it is informal and makes a bad image. Hinata harem will get their karma and some might join Kageyama's harem, not that he knows what a harem is or that he has one. 


Dat is all! Have a gud day! See u later!

(981 words)

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