her body is launched to the right, past her allies,

*BANG* And hits a tree, breaking it, but not dropping it.

The body fell to the ground, its upper part scorched and with yellow and black flames still on it.

"KALA!" The blonde screams, and looks at me again. Her gaze this time was frightened.

Raynare still doesn't seem to have processed what happened.

I then jump back, backing up a bit.

The blonde doesn't even seem to try anything again.

Only Raynare prepares to attack me again. But I can still see her shaking arms.

She runs to me again, but I just cross my arms.

After all, the rest of the peerage is already here.

*CRACK BOOM*Thunder crashed right in front of Raynare, startling her to a halt.



In a blur a red hand lands a big punch to the side of Raynare's head, knocking her away.

"You're not going to touch my bro you bitch!"

One by one I see them all appearing in the clearing.

 Further on Kiba, Koneko and another guy I don't know surround the blonde, who just raises her hands.

Rias, Sona, and Tsubaki appear with me at my side.

I look up and see Akeno, she has her eyes with a fury I haven't seen yet. Electricity in her hands.

I chuckle, making the girls next to me look at me in confusion.

"Sorry girls, it's just that Akeno manages to look beautiful even when she's angry."

Sona and Tskubaki just look at me with a deadpan and Rias with a smirk.

The redhead then begins to speak,

"It seems that in the end, they were the ones who attacked first, weren't they"

Sona then replies,

"Hmph, better for us. And If we manage to capture one of them it will be even better. We will have physical proof that we were attacked."

Raynare then stands up. The side of her head is bleeding, she looks dizzy.

She looks forward, seeing Issei, who is standing in front of her, ready in case he gets any more orders.

And then she notices his arm,

The jewel in Issei's gauntlet resounds once more,


The young man receives another boost, making Raynare go wide-eyed.

"The Boosted Gear! You have a Longinus?"

Issei's eyes narrow, and his fists clench.

"Looks like that Date of ours is unscheduled, right?" he says and I can hear the pain in his voice.

The Fallen's face just contorts in disgust.

"You insect-"

Before she can say anything else, I appear at her side in a blur, my fist slamming into her stomach, knocking her off her feet slightly. She fell to her knees on the floor again, coughing.

"No more words, please. Oh and good punch Issei"

My friend smiles at me.

"Nathan bring her here please."

I see that the others have already grabbed the blonde and put her on her knee in front of Rias and Sona.

I just grab the woman by one of the straps of her stripper outfit and drag her with me.

Issei follows me without saying anything.

We bring her to her knees before the Kings of the peerages.

"So Sona, only one will do right?" Rias says with her arms crossed.

"Yes, I judge by the bodies around us that there were four enemies. So we can handle the situation however we want now. My vote goes to leave only one of them alive."

I cross my arms, and then Akeno comes down from the air and stands beside me.

She looks at the state of my clothes with concern,

I just smile at her and take hold of her hand in reassurance.

Rias then looks at me and Issei.

"Good at the end of it all. The most affected people here are you two, Nathan, and Issei. The choice is yours."

I then look at my friend.

I see his hands shaking slightly, he looks at me as if he wants me to make the choice. Which for me doesn't matter.

I walk forward and the two Fallen Angels stare at me. Raynare with hate, and The blonde, that I don't know the name.

"Well, how about I start by asking a question?"

The two look at me in silence.

"So ladies, which of you shall die?"

Everyone looks at me in surprise.

The blonde looks at me with wide eyes, she looks at Raynare and makes a gesture that she would say something... but she doesn't.

Raynare however...

"KILL HER! I'm the mission L-leader! I can explain e-everything much better to Azazel-sama!"

I raise an eyebrow, that was quicker than expected.

The blonde looks at her "Leader" with a face of bewilderment and betrayal.

"YOU BITCH! It was all your idea! Azazel-sama only asked us to watch them!"

Ohh~ what a beautiful drama.

But I think I already have a good idea of what happened. And it's not like I care much.

"I understand. So by your logic, the leader has to be the one who came back alive, right?" I say as I raise two fingers in a hand signal.



And then two pieces of the woman fall to the ground in a perfect diagonal cut.

Silence permeates the air. And I see the blonde look away.

Around me most remain expressionless. I can hear Kiba sigh and shake his head. And the new guy also makes a sound of disgust.

Issei looks away, not wanting to see this.

And in the end, I also sigh.

"So much arrogance. For someone so weak." 

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