Scheming with Jorn

Start from the beginning

You got out of your car and walked into the travel agency where Callie greeted you.
"Hi, can I help you?"
"Yes, I believe we spoke on the phone earlier, I'm here to pick up a ticket to Norway."
She asked to see your driver's license for verification and once she was satisfied that you were who you said you were, handed you the ticket.  You stood there for a minute holding the ticket and staring at it knowing that it was the one thing in the world right now that made you happy.  It symbolized your happiness and Pelle's. Callie looked at you and said,
"Once you get to the city of your connecting flight, there is a place for pets to relieve themselves in the airport."
Oh is there?  That's very good to know,  This is going to be a long trip for him, he's never flown before."
"Have you thought about boarding him?"
"I did, but I'm going to be gone for about a month and my boyfriend is absolutely in love with him, so I want to give him double the surprise when I get there."
"Well, at least you know that he'll be somewhat comfortable on his trip to Norway."
"Yes, thank you.  That was very useful information to me."
"No problem.  Enjoy your day and safe travels."
"Thank you. I hope you have a nice day as well." You said as you walked to the door and pushing it as you, exited the travel agency.
You unlocked your car door and got inside, started the ignition and headed to the next place on your list.

You looked at the time and can't believe that you had been gone for three hours already.  Your mind immediately thought about Toby.  He must have to go out and he's probably starving.  You parked and grabbed your treasures from the trunk,  You could hear Toby barking loudly from the kitchen door.  You ran up the stairs saying,
"Mamas coming baby..mamma's coming."
You grabbed your keys out of your purse and unlocked the door.  You were greeted by Toby wagging his tail and walking backwards as you entered the doorway.  You left the door open and put your bags down and knelt in front of Toby and gave him some love.  He reciprocated by licking your face excitedly and barking at you.
"Wanna go out boy?" You stood up and moved to the side so that he could get by and run out the door.  Out he went and you shut the door behind you and thought to yourself,
"I really need to get a doggie door put in here."
You picked your bags up off of the floor and brought them into your bedroom and began to go through them.  You stood in front of your full length mirror and held your new clothes up to you and admired how nice it was going to look on you once you got to Norway.
You did the same with the other five outfits that you had bought today.  You walked over to your closet and hung them up, then went to the garage to find your nice big suitcase so that you could begin packing tomorrow.  Once you found it, you brought it in and put it in your closet and then went to the other bedrooms and stripped the beds and started the load of sheets.  You grabbed a duster and some furniture polish and began cleaning the bedrooms.  You were unusually motivated this evening.  Once they were clean you ran downstairs and grabbed the vacuum and thoroughly vacuumed each room.  Once the sheets were cleaned and dried you began the dubious task of making all three beds.  Once that was complete, you started cleaning the rest of the house.  Toby laid on his big dog bed watching you.  He had his head down on his stretched out front paws and his eyes looking up at you.  You looked down at him and blew him a kiss.  Your stereo was on and you were singing along with It Must've Been Love by Roxette on the top of your lungs.  When the house was finally clean, minus a few smaller tasks, you sat on the couch and leaned back with your foot on the coffee table and felt a little rumble in your tummy.  You got up and grabbed the phone and called the local pizza shop that you order from all the time.  Your stomach hasn't been doing very well since Pelle left so you want to keep dinner light, so you decide to order an anti pasta salad and call it a night.  You figured that you were going to have a few more things to do before you left and tomorrow was your last chance to do them before you leave for Norway. 

You were awoken the next morning by the phone ringing.  You grabbed the phone next to you on the nightstand and pushed the talk button and softly said,
"Good morning beautiful." Said the voice on the other end.
You smiled and let out a soft moan as you rolled onto your back and said,
"Good morning Pelle."  You were smiling ear to ear.  Hearing his voice first thing in the morning was the most comforting thing in the world to you, especially right now when he's so far away.
The two of you talked for about an hour and towards the end of the conversation you said,
"Pelle, I'm gonna be taking a trip to see my parents, so I'll be gone for a week.  I'll still call you, so don't worry...I don't think I could go a day without hearing your voice."
"I couldn't either." He replied.
The two of you said your goodbyes and hung up with each other.
You laid in bed for a few minutes and grabbed Pelle's pillow, which was dressed in his shirt that he left for you and buried your face into it.  You breathed in deep, it still smelled like him and it made you miss him so much. You took comfort in the fact that you will be leaving tomorrow for Norway and that in less than forty eight hours you were going to be back in his arms, looking up into those beautiful blue eyes. It was comforting to think of that.  You also felt quite guilty that you hadn't let Pelle in on your plans, but it was a surprise and you knew that he was going to love the fact that you did surprise him.
You kicked your covers off and decided to get on. With your unfinished tasks from yesterday.

As you finished up the last of your chores, you breathed a sigh of relief and got a little excited because now that you finished everything, you saved the fun chore for last, it was time to pack for tomorrow.  You went into your bedroom and Toby followed, jumped up on the bed and laid on Pelle's side watching you pack.  You looked at him and said,
Don't worry boy.  You're going with me.  Wanna go see Pelle?!?"  He picked up his head with his ears standing straight up and tilted his head at you.  He looked so adorable, you reached across the bed and pet his huge head.  You went back to packing your clothes.  You wouldn't pack your makeup and hair things until tomorrow right before you left for the airport.

After an hour of debating which outfits to bring, you were finally satisfied with your choices and you closed up your suitcase and placed it in front of your closet so that you could pack the last minute things tomorrow.  You knew that it was going to was going to be difficult sleeping tonight.  You looked at the time and it was still early enough to call Pelle before he went to bed.  You knew that you were going to speak to him in the morning when he calls you, but you wanted to hear his voice now. You knew that he wasn't rehearsing tonight so you knew that he'd be just sitting home doing the tape trade or just drawing in his sketch book.  You picked up the phone and dialed his number.  Someone picked up on their end and said,
"Is Pelle there?"
"Is this Michelle?"
"Yes. Is this Oystein?"
"Yep.  How have you been?"
"Good and yourself?"
"Hanging in there.  Let me get Pelle for you."
"Thanks." You said as he put the phone to his chest.  You could hear his voice muffled yelling for Pelle.  The phone unmuffled and you heard Oystein say,
"It's your girlfriend."
"Oh! Thanks." You heard Pelle say to him and then,
"Hey babe!"
"Hello, I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."
"Nope, just drawing and thinking about you, so I'm happy that you called me."
You smiled and said,
"I figured that I would give you a call before I leave for New York tomorrow."
"Am I still calling you in the morning?"
"Of course, I wouldn't want to be woken up any other way."
"Good!  I love calling you in the morning, it's the highlight of my day,"
"Awww, babe!"  You said snuggling the side of your face into the phone and smiling like an idiot.
"Well it is!" He said.  You could hear him smiling on the other end.
  The two of you talked for a few hours on the phone about everything from Christianity and Satanism to Vlad the Impaler and how much he wanted to take a trip to Transylvania with you.  He started telling you about all the supernatural places and folklore of that country.  He was so incredibly intelligent and passionate about the subjects he spoke of and you absolutely loved that about him.  He was uncompromising about his views things and you admired him for that.
Before getting off the phone with you, he said,
"I had a dream about you last night."
"Oh yeah? What was it about?"
"I'd rather not tell you about it until I see you again.  This way I can SHOW you what the dream was about."
"OH!  It was one of THOSE dreams..."
"It was.." He replied quietly.
"Well I can't wait until we are face to face again, then you can show me."  You said smiling and curling the phone cord around your index finger.
"And trust me...I will show you!  I miss you so damn much.  I don't think that I can wait another month to see you."
"We're almost there babe."
"I know." He reluctantly said on the other end.
"Well, I guess we should say goodnight for tonight."
"I miss you so much."
"I miss you too Pelle Ohlin. I also love you with a my heart and soul!"
"I love you too baby."
"Goodnight my beautiful Swede."
"Goodnight my beautiful Sicilian American girlfriend.  I'll call you in the morning."
"I can't wait...Goodnight and goodbye."
"Goodbye." He said and you hung up the phone and changed into your pjs and ate leftover pizza from the night before, watched a movie and got ready for bed.  Tomorrow was going to be a big day for you as well as long but it was gonna be worth it. You were going to be with him again and that was the most wonderful feeling in the world.  You let Toby out and then went into your bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.  You walked back through the kitchen to let Toby in and fed him one more time before you walked into your bedroom, took off your earrings and slid under the covers and pulled them up to your chin then rolling over grabbing his pillow and pulling it close to you and putting your arms around it.  Then you closed your eyes and surprisingly drifted off to sleep without any trouble at all.

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