" Look, it's Yeonjun  from Class F. " said one girl from the group .

"I heard he just told Soobin from Class A that he loved him." Said by another girl.

"Seriously? Kim Yeonjun told Soobin that he loved him. Are you serious?
To Choi Soobin?
"Class F's Yeonjun  told Class A's Soobin that he loved him! Does he know what place he is in? Oh my Poor boy .  "

Words begin to spread and People begin to gossip about Yeonjun when he is in sight . With his eyebrows knitted together, Yeonjun listens to all of the criticism that everyone is giving him. Words by words, as Yeonjun listens, he starts to think about all of the negative things he heard about himself from the others .

Having enough of the gossip, Yeonjun yelled " Leave me Alone!!!" And begin to run away . But as humans being , they still laugh at the behavior of Yeonjun .

" Yeonjun , did you tell Soobin that you loved him?" Yeonjun's one of the best friend , Huening Kai come running and asking out loud .

"Kai  !!! , Not so loud!" Said by Yeonjun . Looking left and right wondering if anyone heard his friend .

"Wait, how do you know that?" surprised Yeonjun asked while pouting his lips .

" How can you miss it if you tried to give a love letter in front of the school gate?" Choi Beomgyu who tags along Kai question dummy Yeonjun back .

" The whole school is talking about it." He continued while observing their surroundings where students kept looking at them .

" I'm so embarrassed." Said Yeonjun.
"Then , Why did you choose to do it at the school gate? It's like saying 'please talk about it.' " Said Kai .

They begin to walk away as a trio from where they are . " Plus, it's Choi Soobin that you are talking about." Commented Beomgyu.

" Why did you do such a reckless thing? You knew that you would get rejected, didn't you?" Kai asked .

" If by chance...
If by any chance...
By any chance maybe he might like me." Sobbed Yeonjun .

"Stop that! That's not going to happen! We are talking about Choi Soobin right?" Kai said while pushing Yeonjun a little bit .
" You know that the classes are divided by the test scores in our school." Beomgyu said.

" Choi Soobin  is the smartest of all the students in Class A, which is the smartest class in our grade.On the last national exam, he got the highest score in the nation.A rumor says he has an IQ of 200.He is a genius and good looking.And on top of that, his father is a president of a company.
He speaks English fluently.He is an amazing athlete too.He is like Super Boy.Compared to him, we are like failures at the bottom of this school. We live in a totally different world than his. " Beomgyu stated .

" But I did my best too.
Each year, I tried so hard to be in Class A with Soobin ." Yeonjun declared with determination.

But Beomgyu and Kai froze where they exactly were and looked at Yeonjun with unbelievable eyes .

"What is it?" Confused Yeonjun asked .

" Yeonjun....
You know the alphabet, don't you?" Beomgyu asked him while looking straight at his eyes.

"Yes, of course." Yeonjun answered back while nodding .

" Then can you count how many letters are in between A and F?" Kai asked .

Yeonjun carefully counts while folding his fingers. When he reached F , he turned over to his friends while showing his fingers .

" That's right. You've always been in Class F. It would take a miracle for you to get into Class A! It's more difficult than winning the lottery. " complained Beomgyu .

Mischievous Kiss: Love in Seoul ( Yeonbin )Where stories live. Discover now