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07: burning promises




the morning after that previous night of kissing like drugs coated each others lips, isabella quickly left gracies house after a small - yet loving set of words exchanged.

isabella stretched out of gracies bed.

inhaled her sweet perfume.

put on her clothes that had previously been scattered on gracies bedroom floor.

stepped out of gracies room, brushing her fingers against the doorframe.

slid her hand across the railing of the set of stairs.

said her goodbyes to weenie, gracies dog.

touched the doorknob of the front door.

and turned back to flash gracie a smile.

little did isabella know, these minor gestures - ones that would come to haunt her dreams in the future - would be the last time she'd experience them.

from leaving gracies house to walking across the white sidewalk, isabella was now left alone to her own thoughts.

her excitement from the mere presence of gracie vanished at the second she was left to solidarity.

and that meant looking back on everything that had just happened these past few days.

her breath became heavy, and her eyes darted to the ground below her moving feet.

she began to overthink - something that would ruin many things in her life.

graduation was in 2 days - meaning gracie would leave in 2 days.

and most of all, she just spent the night with the girl - a day ago if you mentioned her name, isabella would shake her head in hatred.

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