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08: hearts in flames




as the warm breeze of the mid-june california air flowed through this morning dimmed room, the brown eyed girl who laid wide awake in her bed only smiled at the view of the sun rising.

shades of orange, red, yellow, and even a slight green draped over her face - and this girl was filled with smiles inside out.

this girl, gracie abrams - was living in her own world of hopefulness. unaware to the soul crushing truth set in stone to be unraveled in just a few mere hours ahead.

yet in that moment, she was at peace.

a peace that waited what felt like an eternity to finally set in her system.

there was a shift in gracies view on her surroundings.

the sun was brighter.

the morning silence wasnt deafening - it was comforting.

her lungs no longer felt strained with lies or falsity - and she felt like she could truly breath.

it seemed so simple, and the memories that once painted her with fear and worry now only showcased love.

these memories of isabella.

it was as if a painkiller coated these memories, and everything that once seemed to hurt only made her want more of it.

it felt like the climaxes of their story was finally entering its falling action.

its acceptance, love, and peace.

the mere thought that the laughs, words, and touches between her and isabella were now free from silence and secrecy changed her.

so here she was, alone in a forever empty house that barely anyone would come and go from.

yet the daydreams of isabella reminded her she wasnt alone anymore.

wishful thinking [gracie abrams]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum