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Start bij het begin

"What is so important that she gathered everyone?" Akari said with a scoff and crossed her arms.

"Mira and Rin aren't here yet."

Namra commented and looked over to the guys. Another one was missing. "What a surprise, Kaiser is also gone. Ness do you know where he is?" Karasu said turning to the magenta Haired boy.

"He ran off a few minutes ago. This girl won't let me leave to look for him." He said with a scowl.

"May I have everyone's attention please? This is very important news. First of all we all know Mira and Rin right? How long have they been a couple?"

Nina asked making the others look at each other.

"Are we suppost to answer that?"

Sarah yelled loudly, making the 'announcer' nod. "About 2 months."

"That's not a very long time is it?"

Karasu, Otoya, the blonde girl, Reo and Nagi looked at each other, they knew something the others didn't. "Should we tell them?" the purple haired boy asked making Otoya nod.

"Wait are you sure?" Sarah said but they agreed to do it anyway.

"Um Can I say something?" Reo raised a hand, making Nina raise a brow. "You've got something to say about their relationship?"

"No, I'm just gonna fix your facts. They dated back in high school too, so that makes it 1 year."

The girl looked surprised but nontheless smirked. "Thanks for the information but that doesn't change other facts that I'm gonna state."

All of them anxiously waited for her to speak.

"Did you know? They aren't actually dating, it's all fake, a trick to fool all of you. Surprised yet? I've got more, they don't love each other, Mira went behind his back and cheated multiple times."

The room went dead silent.

Nina smirked at her performance but it wasn't over yet.

"You think we're gonna fucking believe that?" Makio spat, her anger slowly rising. 

"You got any proof to backup that claim?" Karasu said. At that point they started getting up and leaving.

"You really wasted out time."

Bachira said as Nagi added. "What a pain."

"You want proof?!?!!?! Let me show you." The girl yelled making them turn to her again.

"Is she serious right now?" Otoya questioned, They stuck around to see it.

It was an Audio recording of their conversation.

How long do you plan on continuing this?"

"I don't know."

"This whole fake dating thing is going to get out eventually."

"What, you think someone will find out?"

"How about we just quit? It'd be better that way."

"Alright, We can stop whenever you want."

"Let's break it off once we get back."


So it was true.

What Nina said was true.

Mira and Rin lied to us...

They tricked us into believing their lie.

Makio clenched her fists in anger. "Like I'd believe a witch like you, this doesn't mean anything. Oh I forgot to mention you lied to Rin about Mira cheating and then Kissed him."

She yelled making the others gasp. Even Nina's teammates who were silently standing in the corner covered their mouths in shock.

"Did you really do that?"

Himiko asked with a look of disappointment.

"Oh please, I only did that to cheer him up. She doesn't deserve someone like him." The girl said confidently and glared at her friends.

"Alright I've had enough." Sarah said and ran to grab the Nina's hair. "Guys don't fight!!" Isagi and Bachira yelled in unison.

The two girl fought till Karasu dragged the blonde girl away.

"Sarah Calm down!!"

He yelled as Otoya got in-between them. "Chill out, Let's talk this out. Nina, what did you show Rin to make him so angry?"

"I showed him the truth, she was with that guy Kaiser last night."

"What? What are you even talking about? Mira was with me last night." Akari said clearly confused.

Nina pulled out her phone and showed them the picture.


She yelled like a maniac as the door suddenly opened.

"What's going on here?"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Author's note

The drama is real 🤭

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