Uncontrollably Fond: Chapter XII

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10 years ago

It had been a few months after Nabi and Donghyuck agreed that they would be friends. They were together all the time now. They sat together in class, went for movies, etc. They came from their lunch break.

"Ugh, I don't want Chemistry" Nabi walked towards her seat. Donghyuck following her. "It's such an annoying subject." He nodded.

"Settle down students. I know that your supposed to be having Chemistry now, but I'm substituting this class." Her home room teacher spoke. "Today, I've come up with some information regarding your school trip." Her students cheered. "Shh" The class went quiet again.

"You'll be going to Busan in two weeks. The fee for each person is 10000 won. Please pay it by next week along with a consent form signed by your parents. It's a four day trip. The itinerary will be given on the day of the trip."
The students cheered again. "Can we have a free period?" One of the boys asked. "Yes. But in return you should all remain quiet." Murmurs began in the class.

"Woah" Donghyuck said, making Nabi look at him. "I can't believe we're going to Busan."

"Yeah. Sunjoo snuck in a request. Her father is the principal after all."

"You're going aren't you?"

"Of course, I am" She nudged him.

The day of the trip came closer. All the students met near the school.

"Take care darling" Her mother stated. This was Nabi's first time without her parents.
"Don't worry, Mum. I'll be fine" She hugged her mom.

"Take care sweetheart"
"Bye Dad" She hugged her father, who kissed her head. "Bye kiddo. Eat well.
And last, she hugged Jihoon,"Bye, you brat. Don't annoy mom and dad. I'll miss you."

He stuck his tongue out at her. "I won't miss you" She just rolled her eyes.

She spotted her friends and ran upto them, saying bye to her family.
She interlinked arms with Sunjoo and Chaeyoung.
"Are yall ready, my girlfriends?" They walked towards their station, meeting up with the boys.

"I brought the stuff." Chaeyoung gasped, while Nabi smirked. "You got the alcohol?" Chaeyoung asked.

"No bae. It's drugs." A worried expression spread across Chaeyoung's face. "Of course, It's alcohol."

"Let's go now. Our trains here"

The three of them sat across the boys, who just ended up sleeping on the 2 hour 15 min train ride.

Their class boarded a bus to the hotel, and a teacher began calling out their names.
"Jeon Jungkook"
"Choi Jisoo"
"Huang Renjun"
"Lee Donghyuck"
"Baek Nabi"
"Lim Sunjoo"
"Hong Chaeyoung"
"Lee Minhyung"
"Na Jaemin"

"Ok, students. You'll be sharing a room with one of your friends. Since there are 10 girls and 12 boys, please get into group. Ms. Baek Nabi, Ms. Lim Sunjoo and Ms. Hong Chaeyoung will be in one room as requested by the principal. And so will Mr. Lee Donghyuck, Mr. Lee Minhyung and Mr. Na Jaemin will be in one room. Please get a good night's sleep as we'll be visiting the beach tomorrow. Good night"

"You requested?" Mark asked Sunjoo. "Yeah." She flipped her hair. "What's good with having strings if you don't pull them once in a while."

Sunjoo, Chaeyoung and Nabi started watching a movie. The two fell asleep in between. Chaeyoung wasn't getting any sleep, so she decided to step out for a walk. She walked through the quiet corridors and into the garden.
She heard footsteps and looked behind her.
"Jaemin. What are you doing here?" She was startled as she didn't expect to see him.
"Wasn't getting any sleep. So I decided to take a walk and I saw you here. So I thought I might as well join you" She hummed. "The boys?"

"They're sound asleep"

She sat on the stone bench, staring at the night sky, joined by none other than Na Jaemin.  The sounds of crickets chirping filled the air.

"Bora and I broke up" He said, staring at the sky. Chaeyoung gasped, "Why? Did she cheat on you?"

"No. We realised that we're better off as friends. This love thing doesn't work out with me" He never took his eyes off the sky.

"Oh" Chaeyoung said, looking down at the group, intrigued by him. 'Do I like him?' 'Of course I like him. As a friend'

She hissed as the cold breeze hit her. Jaemin immediately took off his jacket and wrapped it around her.
"Here, you'll feel better" He flashed a smile at her.
"Thanks" She mumbled out. "We should probably go sleep" She stand standing up. "Thank you for spending time with me Jaemin" She smiled, walking away from him.

Day 1

All of them were awake at 8:00 am. They had and hour to get ready. Breakfast was served at 9:00am. After that they all went to see the Gamcheon Culture Village. Having two hours there, the six decided to roam around a little, buying small eatables and shared it amongst themselves. After the Village, they visited the Beomeosa, a Buddhist temple. They came back to the hotel for lunch and had a break till 5:00 pm. At 5:30, they were taken to see the Gwangalli Beach. They came back at about 8:00, had dinner and went to bed.

Day 2

They woke up at 8:00 had breakfast and went to see The UN Memorial Cemetery. Followed by a trip to the Busan Museum of Art. They went back to the hotel, had lunch and were take to Shinsegae Centumcity Mall and were left for three hours to go and explore the mall. Last, they got to see the lit up Gwangnan Bridge at night. They were brought back to the hotel, given dinner and sent to bed.

Day 3

On the third day, they visited the Diamond Tower, followed by the Haeundae Beach. They came to the hotel early that day, had dinner and were sent to their rooms. It was just 8:00pm, So some of the students went down to the swimming pool.

"Ugh, I'm so tired" Sunjoo groaned. "I need some liquor." She went to her suitcase, taking out the bottle of Soju.

A knock on the door interrupted them Panicking that it may have been a teacher, They hid the bottle.

They opened the door, and there stood Jisoo, Yeji and Nayeon.
"Oh, it's you. Come on in." Sunjoo had invited the three to drink with them.

They finished two bottles. The six girls now tipsy. "Why don't we play a game" suggested Nayeon, taking a sip of her drink.

"Which one?" Yeji asked her.
"Truth or dare" She answered, earning nods from everyone in the room.

They gathered around in a circle, taking an empty bottle and spinned it. It landed on Yeji.
"Truth or Dare?" Jisoo asked.
"Whats the craziest thing you've done lately?"
"I made out with a girl" She smirked, and spun the bottle, now landing on Chaeyoung.

"Truth or dare?" Yeji asked.
"Who do you have a crush on?"
Chaeyoung blushed, "Jaemin".
"Wait are you serious?" Nabi and Sunjoo asked in unison. She nodded, spinning the bottle. It landed on Nabi.
"Truth or Dare?"
Sunjoo smirked, leaning into Chaeyoung and whispering something in her ear.
"Ok, I dare you to confess your feelings to your crush"
Nabi took a sip of Soju, "Sure". She stood up, walking towards the door.

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