Uncontrollably Fond: Chapter VII

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Nabi looked at his face, taking in his features that had matured in seven years. She always knew that Donghyuck was handsome. A little too handsome. Her eyes dropped to his plump, pink lips.

When she looked at him again, he was staring at her lips. Their desire for each other was strong. And they knew it. They wanted each other.

They looked into each other's eyes. The stance they were in right now was a bit provocative. Nabi on the hood of the car, Donghyuck in front on her. Anyone who saw them would think that they were making out.

They continued looking at each other's eyes and lips. They got closer. Before they knew it, their lips crashed against each other.

Nabi's head hitting the hood of the car, her ebony hair spread on the windshields, hands in his hair, untangling the knots. One of Donghyuck's hand was on her nape, while the older was on her hip. His knee brushing against her undergarments.

She moaned. He smirked, as he deepened the kiss. Unbeknownst to them, a group of four stood at a distance watching the two lovers embrace each other.

"I told you so" Mark told Jaemin, giving him a high five. "Give them some time and they'll be kissing each other."

Chaeyoung and Sunjoo watched as their friend was finally getting some action.

Nabi's hands moved under Donghyuck's shirt. Her cold tips feeling his toned torso. He hissed.
They broke the kiss, panting for air. Cheeks red from the make out session they just had.

"Nabi, I-" Donghyuck started. She pulled him by the collar and kissed him on the cheek. His eyes widended.

"Hey, you two" Jaemin said. "We're going home. You have work tomorrow."

Nabi and Donghyuck got into the car. The drive home was silent. Their minds filled with the thoughts of what had happened earlier.

Donghyuck lay in bed that night, the taste of her lips still lingering on his. Nabi was in the room adjacent to his. Her mind replaying the kiss over and over again. It was all she could think about. Her fingers touching her lips. She knew right there and then that she had always been in love with Donghyuck. Always has been and always will be.


"I knew it would work" Sunjoo told Mark. He chucked at his wife.

"Well. I'm never doubting you again" He kissed her forehead.

They opened the door to their daughter's room, finding her sound asleep next to her uncle. They went into their master bedroom. "So, since Sumin and Minhwan are asleep" Mark wiggled his eyebrows as he sat on the bed. "Can we-?"

"My mum called" She interuppted. His expression changed. "And?"

"She wants to see us"

"Why? She hates me." He scoffed. Sunjoo had it all. She was born into a rich household. She grew up in luxury- having designer clothes and bags. Mark was the exact opposite. His parents many jobs to keep him and his brother comfortable. But that wasn't enough to make ends meet. Sunjoo owned a restaurant. Mark worked as a Sales Assistant. Her parents never approved of him, until their daughter said that she would leave everything behind and run away with him. They were from different worlds. But as they say, opposites attract.

"She doesn't hate you." Sunjoo stood in front of him. Mark raised his eyebrows mocking her. "She's sick, Mark. She wants to see us, and by us I mean You, me and Sumin."

"I honestly don't want to-" Mark was cut off by Sunjoo, crashing her lips onto his. She sat on his lap, his hands unzipping her dress. Her fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt. She broke the kiss, moving her lips to his neck. His hands going up and down her bare back.

Let's just say, they had a long night.


"Chae, Do you think Nabi and Donghyuck will get together?" Jaemin said, sitting on the bed, watching his soon to be wife, take off her jewellery.

"I'm sure of it." She answered. "By the time we get married, they'll be together."

"How do you know that?"

"I saw how they look at each other, and let's say it's a look of desire."

Jaemin chuckled. "Hong Chaeyoung, he stood up from the bed and walked behind her. His hot breath on the nape of her neck, His fingers grazing her exposed collarbones. She moaned. Looking at him seductively through the mirror.

" Na Jaemin, You should stop what you're doing. I have to go to work tomorrow. I can't go with hickeys on my neck." She deadpanned

"Oh, come on Chae."
"I love you, Jaemin."
"I love you, Chaeyoung" They tucked themselves into bed.


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