Uncontrollably Fond: Chapter II

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A week passed. It wasn't that exciting, to be honest. The same thing happened everyday. Well, her boyfriend, now ex boyfriend, Kim Yijin came to her house to get his things.

Nabi didn't even pay attention to him. She just ignored him and his apologies. Like she was  going to forgive him. Does he think she's stupid?

The day of the High School Reunion came. Saturday.

Nabi got out of work early. She hand her friends planned to meet at her place at 7:00 pm. They had a blast while getting ready. Picking out outfits and doing each others make up.

"Nabi" She looked up when she heard her name "Choose" Sunjoo held up two dresses. Nabi, chose the one on the right.

She had decided to wear something a bit sexy.  I mean, she was going to meet her former classmates. Of course, she was going to look her best.

She heard a knock on her door. "It's probably  Jaemin. I'll get it. Chaeyoung ran to open the door.

"Hey babe. You look pretty." He said while pecking her lips. "Yes, you do Chae." A voice behind him said.

Mark stepped in the house and looked at his wife, "You look beautiful Sunjoo" He pulled her into a hug. "My brother's watching Sumin tonight. So, don't worry. She nodded.

Nabi stood at her bedroom door, watching the scene in front of her. She hoped that even she would get to experience that some day. They all had decided to take Jaemin's car.

As the pulled up into the decorated school, 'School Of Performing Arts' or SOPA. Jaemin told her to stay back and check something. Curious to know what she had to check, she stayed back.

"You guys go on ahead. We'll come in a while" He told the others.

As she saw them enter the school, she turned to Jaemin. "Whats up Jaem?" She asked him

He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a box. Not just any box. A ring box.

"I'm going to propose to Chaeyoung today." He said, while chuckling. Nabi was overjoyed for her friends. She went up and hugged Jaemin, now knowing what he wanted to tell her.

"Let's go in" She told him. "They may be waiting for us."

Jaemin was looking somewhere. "Jaem? You okay? He gulped. "Yeah uh huh. I gotta use the restroom. You go" He walked away.

Nabi didn't think much of it and went inside her school. Nothing had changed. Every nook and corner was exactly as it was 7 years back

As she walked in, she saw a huge banner which said


She looked at her friends and rushed to them.

"Hey guys."

"Where'd the boys go now?" Sunjoo said.

"Oh, look. There they are. They're with-"

Chaeyoung paused mid sentence and stared at something or someone. Sunjoo followed her eyes. They were surprised to see him. They both looked at each other. Nabi saw the sudden contact between her friends and turned back.

Walking in through the decorations were Jaemin and Mark and in between them was him. Nabi gasped as she saw him, Lee Donghyuck.

The memories came flooding into her mind as she stared at him. His black tuxedo, his brown hair, the three moles on his cheek. He waved at everyone and made small talk with his former classmates.

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