(21) confrontation

Start from the beginning

But as he drew closer, he saw the pain in his eyes...Suddenly, all the anger drained out of him, leaving only a deep sense of sadness...

He realized in that moment that he didn't want to fight with taehyung anymore. He just wanted to move on and find happiness again, without the weight of their failed relationship holding him back.

So he took a deep breath and approached him along with his sister...Jimin stopped before and helped her to climb up the stage...

He again looked at taehyung who was already staring at him...

As the guests settled into their seats, Eunji nervously fidgeted with her engagement ring

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As the guests settled into their seats, Eunji nervously fidgeted with her engagement ring. She couldn't believe that this day had finally arrived - She was soon going to loose his love and get married to a complete stranger...

The couple took their places on the platform, holding hands as they looked out at their each other...Mr. choi stood up to make a speech, welcoming everyone to the engagement and expressing his joy at the union of the two families.

Next, it was time for the bride and groom to exchange rings. As they slipped the bands onto each other's fingers...

After the formalities were over, the room erupted into celebration. The guests congratulated the couple and danced to lively music....

Taehyung saw jimin going somewhere...He excused himself and went behind him...


Jimin walked in the corridor wiping a single tear that fell from his eyes

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Jimin walked in the corridor wiping a single tear that fell from his eyes...

Suddenly he was pulled by his arm into an empty room and was pinned to the door after it was locked...

Jimin looked up panicked and saw someone he never wanted to face...

"What are you doing lea-"

Before Jimin could complete he was cut off by Taehyung's lips...

Tae kissed him while jimin tried to free his hands that were held by the mafia king who was devouring his lips hungrily...

He finally pulled apart breathing heavily...

"I...I thought I lost you"

Taehyung said panting and attaching their foreheads....

Jimin again struggled to get out of his grip

"Stop...Why do you wanna go away when I am trying to keep you close..."

"Oh yeah? I gave you enough chances to keep me close but you threw me away like trash..."

Jimin said through his gritted teeth

"I didn't..."

"Yes you did...You never cared"

"I did! I still care about you...I could never stop caring about you...But we were both drowing and one of us had to get out eventually..."

"Yes sure you cared...Maybe that's why you were not present when I woke up after getting shot! Maybe that's why you left me there to die...Maybe that's why you are marrying my sister! Because you care..."

The room felt quiet...

"I don't know how to make you believe that I can make us work again"

"You can't taehyung...You can't"

"Yes I can"

"You're getting married to Eunji why don't you fucking understand!?!"

"I'll find a way okay? We can fix this-"

"No I can't fix anything for you this time...It's your mess clean it up yourself"

"I'm not going to give up...I did that once and...Well Here I am standing infront of you asking for another chance..."

Suddenly they heard Mrs. Choi calling jimin's name...

"Do one favour taehyung...Never ask for a second chance ever again... Especially when you're getting married to someone else"

Jimin pushed taehyung away and went out of the room...Tae sighed rubbing his forehead...


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