IV - I'm Sorry [ENG]

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"The greatest of all sins: repentance."
• Paulo Coelho

It's been a week since the new inhabitants settled in the base

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It's been a week since the new inhabitants settled in the base. In the beginning they were lost and helpless. Everything around them was strange and new, but now, they were adjusting to the serene routine of their new home.

At that moment, Taehyung and Suga were standing in the center of the large gym, watching their new student, Jeon, as he struggled in front of them. Though he was skilled in combat, Jungkook lacked the technique and subtlety needed to excel as a fighter.

"Jungkook! It's necessary that you improve your footwork," said Suga, with his arms crossed and a judgmental expression on his face. "You're not moving as much as you should and you're not using your angles to your advantage."

Taehyung, an understanding and kind mentor, nodded in agreement. “Suga is right. You need to be more dexterous with your legs and use your footwork to create openings for your strikes.”

Jeon eagerly complied, accepting the advice. He didn't like the idea of ​​being an underling, but he knew he had a lot to learn and was eager to absorb everything he could. Following the guidance counselors' instructions, he took a deep breath and began to move around the room, focusing on each movement.

While Jeon was dedicated to training, his two companions talked in a low tone, trying to keep the conversation private. Jungkook, with keen ears, paid attention to everything that was said.

"We need to have a talk about that day, okay? Stop ignoring my existence and please answer me." the blond instructor asks, annoyed.

His eyes were attentive, following every move the platinum-haired instructor made. Suga opened his mouth a few times but said nothing.

"Are you really going to ignore me? It's not like I'm asking you to date me. I kissed you and I want to know if that hurt you or not, so talk to me!"

The platinum-haired instructor took a deep breath and shook his head, but still didn't answer his question. "You're doing well" Suga said, nodding in approval as he watched Jeon deliver his strikes perfectly. "Now try to incorporate some feints into your movements. Keep your opponent always trying to guess your next move, but never let him do it" he advised, approaching the brunette. "Don't forget to keep your guard up. Your opponent will always be looking for an opening, and you need to be ready to block or dodge any attack. Be ready to attack at all times."

Seeing the platinum-haired instructor completely ignoring his presence was the last straw for Taehyung. The blonde approached the other instructor in quick steps and pulled him by the collar, giving him a hurried and warm kiss.

Suga took a step back, but Taehyung held him by the waist. There was no escape, and deep down, the platinum-haired instructor didn't want to escape from his embrace. Suga returned his kiss and intertwined his hand in the wavy hair of the blonde, pulling the strands lightly. In response, Taehyung accelerated the pace of the kiss and pulled him closer. They were completely lost in the moment, unaware of the approaching footsteps.

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