3.First fight

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Y/n pov

I, Yura, and Sejun left the food court, still laughing at Sejun's jokes. Yura checked her watch and suddenly stopped, looking surprised. "Omo! It's already 4 PM!" she exclaimed, causing Sejun and me to stop and look at her in surprise.

I looked at my own watch in disbelief. "Seriously?!" I said, shocked at how quickly time had flown by.

Yura lifted her head and said, "Guys, I think we should leave. My mom will literally kill me if I'm late."

I added in worry, biting my nails, "Yeah, if I'm late, then Seungcheol will also kill me. Plus, I'm in charge of cooking, so I should reach home before Seungcheol returns and start cooking."

Hearing us, Sejun got disappointed and started to whine, "Come on! It's not like we get to hang out every day!! They will understand, let's stay a little longer, please!!!"

I said, trying to make him understand, "Sejun-ah, try to understand. It's just been a day of my marriage, to be exact complicated marriage. I can't create trouble for myself. I need to go," I said, emphasizing the word 'complicated.'

Yura agreed, "I think Y/n is right. We need to go home before it's too late. And Yoon Y/n, you better talk things out with your so-called celebrity husband," she said sarcastically.

I sighed and nodded.

Sejun made a derpy face and whined, "You crazies! You made me carry your bags for the whole day and now you're leaving? What about meee??! What about the arcade!!?"

He kept the bags on the floor and groaned.

Yura and I sighed and gave in to Sejun.

"Fine, let's go to the arcade for a bit, but just for an hour, not longer than that," I said, trying to be firm.

"Okay, an hour is fine for me. But just an hour, Lee Sejun, you dummy," Yura said, adding a playful jab at Sejun.

Sejun cheered up and said, "Yay! That's what I'm talking about!"

He picked up the bags and led the way to the arcade.

Seungcheol POV:

As we entered the practice room, I couldn't help but notice how happy everyone looked. Dk was filling the room with his infectious laughter, while Dino was grinning from ear to ear. Mingyu, on the other hand, looked a little disappointed.

"We had so much fun today, hadn't we?" Dk said, still chuckling.

Dino nodded, "Yeah, it was great. Did you guys see how Mingyu-hyung was taking bites of every food we ordered? It was hilarious!" Dino burst out laughing again, causing Mingyu to pout.

"Yah! Dino-yah!" Mingyu said, but he couldn't help but smile.

I was silently walking behind, thinking about Y/N. I didn't like how comfortable she looked with Sejun in the food court. The image of Sejun putting his hand over Y/N's shoulder kept coming in front of my eyes.

I tried to brush off the thought, but it was bothering me. Y/N went out without telling me and was laughing around with a guy. I couldn't help but feel jealous and angry. "Just wait till I reach home," I thought to myself.

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