8.who is this ?

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Everyone's attention shifted to me, and I could feel Seungcheol's gaze on me. I nodded slowly, unable to hide the truth any longer, and replied with a forced smile, "Yeah, how did you recognize me, Jeonghan-shii? I thought you wouldn't remember!" I glanced at Sejun and Yura,who joined in with awkward laughter. I couldn't help but notice Seungcheol staring at me.

Jeonghan smiled warmly, saying, "Come on, Y/n-shii, you're Seungcheol's friend, which means you're our friend too. How could I forget you?"

I smiled awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. "Umm, if you say so," I replied, relieved that Jeonghan didn't press the matter further.

"Of course, we're friends!" Jeonghan affirmed, his smile brightening the room. Meanwhile, the other Seventeen members and some fans continued to look at me with surprise.

DK chimed in, teasingly saying to Seungcheol, "Seungcheol hyung, you never told us you had such a pretty friend! And Han- Ahh! No! Y/n-shii, why did you lie about your name?"

I felt my nerves creeping back, searching for an escape. "Actually, I-I... umm," Ia stammered, feeling increasingly anxious.

"Okay, okay, let's not make other Carats wait," Seungcheol interrupted, his tone slightly irritated. I breathed a sigh of relief as the attention shifted away from me.

Jeonghan nodded, bringing the focus back to the event. "Yeah, let's continue," he said, trying to maintain the cheerful atmosphere.

Jeonghan and I engaged in a conversation, and I couldn't help but notice how gentle and sweet he was, a stark contrast to Seungcheol's demeanor. Jeonghan's caring nature put me at ease, allowing me to relax in his presence. As we talked, he suddenly suggested, "Y/n-shii, you're so fun! Let's hang out sometime."

Dino, who was sitting next to Jeonghan, chimed in, "Well, include me too! I'm your new friend too, right, Y/n-shii?"

Feeling a mix of awkwardness and hesitation, I replied, "Well, uhh..."

Seungcheol's voice interrupted, slightly irritated, "Y/N-SHII! It's time for you to shift. There are others waiting."

I smiled nervously.

"Okay , Jeonghan-shii! It was nice talking to you." I gave him a genuine smile.

Jeonghan smiled back . I mouthed him bye and waved at him and he waved back with wide smile.

Finally, it was my last encounter, and Seungcheol stood in front of me. Fear coursed through me as he took hold of my diary and started writing. His voice held a cold tone as he asked, "Well, you didn't tell me you were coming?"

I fumbled for an answer, my voice trembling slightly. "A-Actually, it was a last-minute plan, so I didn't get to tell you. And at that time, I thought you might have been busy," I replied, desperately trying to find an excuse.

Seungcheol responded with a nonchalant "Ahh, is that so?!" He placed the dairy in front of me. There was silence between us , I could sense that Seungcheol was mad because again I went out without telling him . BUT SHOULD I TELL HIM EVERYTHING!!?? HE DOESN'T EVEN TREAT ME AS A WIFE , THEN WHY SHOULD HE REACT THIS WAY !!! GOD!!! I WON'T BE ABLE UNDERSTAND HIM !!!

None of us was talking, I couldn't handle the awkwardness, so ,with just walked towards my seat. I could feel Seungcheol looking at me.

I returned to my seat and patiently waited for Yura and Sejun to finish their turns.

Finally, the moment arrived. The lights dimmed, and the stage came alive with vibrant energy. Seventeen began performing their hit song "Clap," and the crowd erupted into cheers and applause. The powerful choreography and charismatic stage presence of the members mesmerized everyone in the venue.

Our Arrangement  ( Scoups Fanfic )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora