Chapter 3

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Kara tried her best not to be seen by anyone that was left behind to deal with Thanagarians as she followed Sara and the others back to the Wave Rider. She rushed inside the huge ship just when they were preparing to take flight.

- Hey, Kara... Weren't you staying to deal with the Thanagarians? – Nia asked confused

- No... I mean... Listen, you guys can't go to 1624, it's the wrong place. You need to go straight to Los Angeles 1984.

- What? Kara we just talked about this, Sonny is in 1624...I already set the course there and... - Sara was talking but Kara interrupted her.

- You time traveled – Barry said as he got up from the chair. – What went wrong?

- Everything – Kara said – You have no idea how wrong...

- You're inside...and here too... This is confusing – Diggle said

- I couldn't risk interacting with myself back there, so I followed you guys here. I came from the future, on a mission to stop you guys from going back to 1624 because the real Sonny isn't there. He is in Los Angeles, 1984. Lex is about to find him and trick you guys in 1624, with Everyman.

- The guy who has the power of changing his face to look like anyone he wants – Dinah said – He gave us a lot of pain in the ass back in Star City.

The ship started moving and Kara felt nervous. Sara changed the course quickly, sending the ship to the Vanishing Point until they could figure things out.

Once there, Kara took a deep breath, knowing she would have to tell them everything that happened in order to stop that awful future from happening.

- Lex had the real Sonny with him? He had access to the equation? – Clark asked, deeply worried.

- Yes. He brought Sonny to Darkseid and used the fake one to distract you all while Darkseid got his hands on the equation. When we found out, I tried to come back here with the Legion ring to warn you all but I ended up 2 years in the future. It was awful.

Kara decided it wasn't a good idea to tell Sara she killed Lex but Darkseid brought him back to life, so she skipped this part, telling them how she found Barry with no powers, the village they were hiding in, how Oliver went after JSA on Earth 2 and found information about how to break the equation and how they all faced Darkseid and his new allies when they tried to recover the Legion ring so Kara could go back in time.

- You said allies... Did he break any of us? – Clark asked

- Yes. – Kara was hesitant

- Who? – Rene asked.

- He used the equation on you – Kara said looking at Rene – Nate, Zari, Laurel, Caitlin, Mick, Kendra, Alex and... - She turned to Clark – You. He tortured the others but they managed to escape... After we fought him, he used omega beans and...

Kara tried to finish the sentence, her eyes filled with tears.

- We died? – Barry asked. He knew that feeling way too much. He just went to Kara and hugged her.

- Not everyone but... Some, yes. It was awful... All I wanted was to come back here and make things right. The future, our future depends on it.

- We can't let this happen. I don't want to imagine what will happen if he gets to use me – Clark said, also hugging Kara.

- We won't let it happen – Dinah said and everyone followed her to hug Kara. – We won't, ok?

Kara wiped her tears and took the pages Oliver gave her in the future from her pocket. Kara gave them to Sara and Barry.

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