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NOTES: This happens post Infinite Crisis (you can find it in my profile here and read it). I wanted to make it separated from that story cause we have a new situation inspired by faves of mine: Smallville Season 9 Pandora ep and the animated movie Justice league: Apolokips War (if u saw any of it, u'll understand the references ^^ but is not necessary to understand this story, u just need to read Infinite Crisis).

I hope u guys enjoy it. It will be short, but enough to bring all the emotions


Kara had her eyes close when she felt a weird sensation and opened them, just to see an empty and destroyed street. She felt like she was in a war zone and she kept looking around, scared and confused.

- Something's wrong – She said as she started to walk, looking for anyone she knew.

She knew something was off because she didn't remember being on that street before. She was supposed to be back on Star Labs and that place looked nothing like Star Labs, and more like zombie scenery.

- You weren't supposed to be here!

Kara turned around and saw to familiar faces. She sighted in relief. Nate and Zari stood near her and the more Kara came closer, she noticed there was something off with them.

- Nate? Zari? What happened? Where is everyone else?

- You weren't supposed to be here! – Zari repeated

Zari touched her totem and Nate became steel and both ran towards her, ready to attack. Kara's instincts kicked in and she quickly flew high. Zari created a strong and giant vortex, trapping Kara inside. Kara used her freeze breath and her super speed, to break the ice around her.

- What are you doing? – Kara yelled as she felt Nate grabbing her by the cape and throwing her to the ground.

- We serve him!

Kara looked confused at them. She tried to get up but felt Nate's boots pressuring on her back. She lifted her body from the ground, throwing Nate away as she flew back up in the sky.

- What are you talking about? – Kara asked, but deep down starting to realize what was happening and suddenly, she was afraid of the answer.

- We serve Darkseid! – Nate said.

Kara couldn't find words to express what she felt. She was right, something was wrong and something awful had happened for her friends to be on Darkseid's team. She also wasn't where she was supposed to be and she needed answers. She didn't waste any more time and flew away from there, looking for anything or anyone that could help her understand what in Rao's name was going on.

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