Kimora 2

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"Marie!" Emma is running towards me. She stops and pants halfway near. I jog over to her, ignoring Kimora.

"What are...?"

"We have to go the same way home, remember?"

"Ah, but isn't it longer for you to go this way, though?"

"I'm fine...with this." She eyes Kimora.

I see! Wait, how did Emma even realize this sort of thing was going to happen? Then again, Marie supposedly has weak power. Of course, Emma would keep an eye on her friend. Though I got used to the mind reading thing honestly. Now reality bending? Still have no idea on that.

I grab onto Emma's arm. Keeping us arms locked together. I walk with her and keep our bodies close as we ignore Kimora.

"How'd you know?"

"I didn't. I just wanted to return your homework sheet. You forgot about it. Bit, then I saw what was happening."


"Any time!"


Emma pauses, but I continue to move. Pulling her along. It's better to ignore her.

"Marie! I just want to talk. You know now. Don't you? Who I am?"

She's following us. But I'm sure she's going to bust her ass hard for her crimes. Why is she so annoying. Leave me and Emma alone. Leave Yuki alone! She's literally almost thirty!

"Marie! I just want to help him! He's more powerful than you can ever possibly imagine! You should have died in that fire! And yet...!"

"Ah." I stop my feet. I don't dare turn around. Emma whispers to me, but my mind goes numb.

Kimora was experimenting on me? Now that she thinks it's my brother. I turn to her, angered, and disgusted. I growl at her. Who does she think she is? She stares at me in horror and takes a few steps back. Falling onto her bottom and flinching at the fall. Her hands are most likely scrapped up.

I have nothing against sluts, but this one tried the wrong one. I stomp toward her. I can't hear anything around me. Kimora has a purple aura. I stand directly above the woman.

"What did you say to me?"

"Yo- I was right. I kept second guessing myself because your brother -"

I kick her across the face. She lands flat onto the floor. She pants heavily and touches her face lightly. Flinching at the mark. My frown deepens. I grab her by her ponytail and lift her up to my chest. I tilt my help as she cries out in pain.

"Do you think that pathetic cry will get me to let you go?"

"M- marie...this isn't like you, please..."

"I hardly know myself at times. Marie. Marie. Maire. Star. Star. Star. Some days, their memories collided, and I can't seem to recall the most simply things."

"M-ma... brat...tch. I'm trying to help.. Ugh. I - Im just trying to help. "

"Help?! Fuck off you borderline pedo! You tried to kill me first!"

I tighten my grip and stare directly into her eyes. She's scared and hopes someone will help her in this dark space. No one will come to save her. At all. Never. I won't allow it to happen.

"That is! I have to....I! Need help!"

"You press up against my brother like a whore, you treat me like I'm some sort of experiment, you taunt me and think you will get away with it all? My brother may be a fucking idiotic perv but one thing he is not is some toy for you to knock around when you're bored studying your research." I grab her chin and force her to look me in the eye.

She really is an Empress! They weren't lying there was a young one hiding as a peasant!

"Tch." She screams as her face slowly drips down her skull. Clumps of meat falling in the void. Nothing but her skill left in sight.


I gasp and look over at Emma. She has a worried expression written all over her. Why is she worry about me? Because of what just happened? I glance down at Kimora.  She's pale and shaking in fear.

"You were just staring at her blankly... not even saying a word...."

I guess none of that stuff really happened then. I wonder how I did all that. Kimora clearly saw what I did and experienced what I've done to her in the ...dream? Mind palace? Something like that. I blink a few times, and then.


"What is it, Marie?"

"Pft. Haha... I don't know!"

"You... don't know?"

"Maybe I just have short-term memory loss now! At least I won't forget the faces of..." I pause. Emma looks at me with deep furrow brows. She probably wants to throw me in a hospital to make sure I'm okay. She hestaintly reaches out and touches my cheek. I blink and touch the other side of my face.


I'm crying?


Why am I crying?

I'm doing everything, right? I- I'm making Marie's life wonderful. My life is wonderful.

Mother, Father, my brothers, my friends, and my classmates on the day of my death. All of them cried and/ or smiled at me tearfully. I'm happy they got to see me like that. I was glad and smiling. Passing away peacfully. I don't want to ever lose that memory.

"Let's go Marie...let's leave this strange lady."

"Huh... yeah..." I wipe my eyes as Emma holds me close. I stumble into her.

I hear Kimora voice echoing throughout my skull. I need to make sure to forever avoid that woman. I smile softly at Emma. We need to stay together.

I WAS ISEKAI INTO AN HAREM FANTASY ANIME AND BECAME A GODDESS?!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora