"He's a fast one," Leo grunted.

"Be careful my sons" Splinter called out as he helped fight the villain with the turtles.

Another few attempts to stop Gideon seem fruitless when the evil wizard soon used his magical staff to place the explosive device on top of the skyscraper.

"In five minutes time, the device will go off and everyone in this building and a few streets belong will suffer the consequences of my failed demands" Gideon sneered as the others turned to see that it was nearly midnight.

"Oh no you don't!" Mikey angrily yelled and charges at Gideon.

"Mikey, no!" Donnie cried out.

But it was too late, Gideon fired a spell that trapped Mikey in glowing green binds around his body and pulled the turtle to him.

"If you dare attempt to stop the device then he dies" Gideon snarled.

"No!" Raphael exclaimed.

"Don't worry about me, dudes! Save the city!" Mikey cried out in despair.

Gideon soon magically sinks down into another floor with Mikey as Leonardo cried out: "We got to save Mikey!"

"No! We have to stop the device from exploding" Splinter halted Leo.

"But Mikey-!" Leo protested.

"This city needs more saving than Michelangelo at the moment" Splinter hastily points out as he runs to the stairs.

"Then one of us should-!" Donnie started.

"There is no time! We must stop the device before we're all dead" Splinter snapped.

"But if we do then Mikey-!" Leo argued.

"Leonardo! Do not argue with me! Let's go!" Splinter firmly silences Leo and continues to head for the explosive device.

Leo had a sense of Déjà vu, it was like the Triceratons all over again with Mikey getting captured and Splinter dismissing any one to go save him and rather have everyone together to deal with another issue.

Granted it was important to save the city with five minutes on the clock like the black hole generator but the way Splinter just dismiss the idea or even speak in that way like Michelangelo was not important in his eyes just made Leo begin to lost more trust in Splinter tonight the way he is going.

"You better hope we save Mikey...Splinter..." Leo growled to himself, reluctantly following the others.

Meanwhile Gideon was down the next floor below, fighting Michelangelo who was free from the binds when they reached the floor below as the young turtle distracts Gideon from stopping his family to save the city.

"Looks like you don't know your own magic" Mikey teased the wizard.

"Oh give me a break, I'm new to this crap!" Gideon complained. "Besides, it won't be long before my device destroys this place and a bit of the city below. Then those fools will have no choice but to obey my demands"

"But if that happens then you'll be dead too" Mikey points out.

"Ah, hello?! Magical powers here! I can use my power to protect myself from the blast" Gideon groaned out in annoyance.

"My family will stop your device, you'll see" Mikey replied with determination for his family.

"Ha! I'd like to see them try! And with five seconds on the clock, that's no way they can save the city now!" Gideon laughed out triumphantly.

Mikey flinches when he hears the midnight bell outside but nothing happens to which Gideon gawks out: "Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be a kaboom!"

Suddenly they saw the device falling from the building and shattered on the ground, safely away from others.

"Told you!" Mikey teasingly chuckled.

Gideon begins to snarl out enraged before they can hear the gang finding them in the floor they were on.

"Mikey!" Leonardo cried out.

"Damn you all!!" Gideon roared out infuriated and was about to attack the gang with his magical staff.

"No!!" Mikey screamed and lunged forward.

The young turtle grabbed the magical staff and the two struggled for a moment when suddenly a magical blast hits Mikey, sending him in the air slowly and beginning to dissolve away to nothing.

"Noooooo!!!" The brothers screamed out.

"Michelangelo!!!" Splinter bellowed out.

The last thing Mikey saw was the room starting to swirl as if he was inside a cyclone for twenty seconds until he landed on the ground once more.

The turtle groans out and shook his head, standing up from where he land and said: "I'm alright, I'm OK"

But from the moment he looked up, he saw that he was still in the building but something was different about it. The rooms in the skyscraper were in ruins and empty with no one around.

"Guys? Sensei?" Mikey called out.

He looks around puzzled and worried as he ponders to himself:

"What the heck happened? Where is everyone?"

Little did he know that the spell Gideon accidentally cast on Mikey had placed him in a situation that will soon change his life forever...

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