"Ah, it's just usually when someone get the ability to read mines, they can't control who minds they read. They're just flooded with all type of voices."

Oh yeah. That usually is how telepathy is portrayed in media, isn't it? I guess that's to show the drawbacks of having a power so it doesn't seem op. Then again, the same could be said about my ability draw backs now. I mean, come on, I have to look someone in the eye to read minds.

I just shrug at her.

"Ah... okay. Well... do you feel like a god because of those powers?"

Shit I said too much!

"Well, it would make sense. You are a really late bloomer, Marie! Haha, most kids feel like they are on the top of the world when their powers first awaken."

Ah, good. Right. I remember my brother feeling over accomplished when he was finally assigned a rank. Even though it's the wrong rank. Now that I think about it, I've briefly toyed with the idea, but should I expose him? There really wouldn't be no point. I already showed the light to the women in his life. And I didn't even do anything but be myself for the most part.

"Marie-chan? "

"Ah.. yes?"

"Mmm... what were you just thinking about?"

I close my eyes as I speak. A little smile slips onto my lips, "Yuki."

"Y - y - y - your br - brother?!"

"Mm? Yeah, so what?"

"You haven't smiled about your brother like that since you woken up?! Have you fallen back in love?"

"I'm going to punch you."


Emma turns flush. I stare at her with a scowl now. I facepalm and sigh, "Of course I'm not fucking in love with my brother. I'm thinking of sharing one of his dark dirty secrets if he pulls some shit on me! Though it seems his attention is else where for now."

"S- sorry. I just. Well you haven't invited me to your house in a while. I miss that. We used to hang out every so often. And now that you seemed completely healed then..."

"Completely healed?"

"Ah, are you not?"

I know Marie was sickly mostly due to the whole magic trapped thing, but there was no healing to be done. I don't know. It was just a weird way to phrase it. I know Emma doesn't know all this information, but you'd think she put two and two together. Is this not common place in this world? People who magic are trapped inside them? Do they usually die? Is that what really happened to Marie. Her body was so damaged, and with her unable to unlock her magic, she died.

I shiver. I shouldn't think about such morbid things. I glance over at Emma. She gives me a look. Expecting me to answer her question. Her brows start to crease, and her smile saddens. I frown. What if the reason there hasn't ever been someone as powerful as me since forever is because they die using so much power? We are still only human, after all. Ack stop  eing morbid brain!

I hate to say this, but I'm going to have to do some history research. And I know Emma can help me. Just like me, Marie didn't really focus on history. Because of Yuna, her main bully, being in that class. She could hardly focus, nor did she want to. Knowing she'd be let off easy if she got sick again.

"Emma, I want help searching for something."

"Search for something?"

"More like research."

"Ah. You're really getting invested in school now. I'm glad."

"Yeah, sure. But listen. I want to know about the people with time and reality bending or warping - or whatever powers! I want to go to a king or queen and try to interview them."