Chapter 4: Metamorphosis

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She had antenna on her head, and one of her eyes was a compound eye. She had the wings of a butterfly and an extra pair of legs. Her tail was now equipped with a stinger as well as her front paws. "Banana, do not scream. For one, she is still asleep. Also, if the first thing you heard after turning into a thing like this was a scream, you might hate yourself forever", I told her. Now, all we have to do is wait. After a good half an hour Cycle finally began to stir.

*Cycle POV

I woke up in my room after who knows how long, to see both Plasma and Banana watching me. "How long have I been out?", I asked. "A little bit longer than two weeks", Plasma replied, sounding a little bit scared of me. "Two weeks!" I exclaimed while noticing that Banana was shaking a little bit as well. I then tried to get up. I felt three pairs of legs instead of two! I screamed. And was before I actually looked at myself. "What in the world happened to me!", I screamed, extremely terrified at the sight of myself. "Well, you remember when Team Sylver shot you with a dart two weeks ago?", Plasma started to explain. I nodded, still close to fainting from shock. "That's what did this to you. You're like me now and you can't change back", he explained. I was to dumbfounded to speak after hearing that, so I just sat there in horror. "Are you fit enough to come outside?", Plasma asked. "We need to get you accustomed to your new body as soon as  possible in case Team Sylver comes back. I am so sorry that this happened to you, but I know it won't keep you down for long", Plasma said.

Then he walked outside, clearly expecting me to follow him. I decided to go out. I half walked, half crawled outside, surprisingly not feeling drained in the slightest. "Okay, I guess I have to learn how to walk with six legs first", I said to Plasma, who was waiting outside for me. I tried that for a good two hours, until I could run even faster before all of this. "Well, don't know what to do next", I told Plasma. "You can take it from here." "Then next is flying lessons. I might not be the best teacher, since I have dragon wings and you have butterfree wings. But the first thing you do is try to move them!", he said excitedly. I guess he has a right to be since no he's not the only freak around these parts.

Well, I guess I have to try. I could definitely move them very easily, which is surprising since I just got them. "Alright then, watch me and repeat!", Plasma exclaimed. I copied him and began to rise into the air. "Plasma, I'm flying!", I exclaimed, as I trained. Plasma watched me happily as I slowly got the hang of it. "Alright, now we have to see if you've learned any new moves", Plasma said. "Wait, no, they're here! Cycle, can you defend yourself?", Plasma said, looking very scared. "Yes, why?", I asked. My question was answered as Sylver and at least thirty other fairy types jumped out of the bushes. 

"Son, surrender the glaceon now, or else!", Sylver yelled at Plasma. "Wait, son? Oh well you're going down either way, Sylver, for what you did to us!", I yelled before launching a green pulse of energy out of my wings. "I see you're already getting the hang of your new powers, young glaceon. But that won't be enough to stop us, fairy types, attack!",Sylver yelled as the fairy types attacked us. "I'll deal with the minions", Plasma said. "Which means I'll deal with Sylver!", I exclaimed while launching another bug buzz at her. It's really weird that I just know the new moves that this transformation gave me.

Plasma had defeated all of the lackeys near instantly accept for mega mawile, gardevoir, altaria, and audino, which he was fighting all at once. I used quiver dance to give me a buff and followed it out with an ice beam, hitting Sylver hard. Sylver shot a moonblast at me, injuring me severely.   I could still fight though and finished Sylver off with a pollen puff. By then, Plasma had finished off the megas and we both ran back to the house. "Why can my life never be normal!!", Nightshade yelled as he saw us, both injured, coming back inside. Apparently, Plasma and Banana didn't tell anyone what happened to me, I hope they at least questioned where I was. Well at least that's what I think.

"Moon, we need you!", Nightshade called. She came out of her room to see me and Plasma injured. "Ahh, what happened to you!!", she screamed. "Team Sylver", Plasma said. What about ummm, probably Cycle?", she asked, now more curious than scared. "Also Team Sylver", I said. By then, the commotion had attracted the others into the room. It became very crazy, very fast. Everyone started yelling at each other trying to figure out if it was Plasma's fault or not, which makes sense, because his siblings, me, and Banana are the only ones who knew who he is when he first arrived. Well, I guess it was more everyone trying to calm Nightshade down. "We need to get rid of Plasma now! He has only brought pain and suffering since he came here!",he yelled angrily.

Plasma was cowering in fear after  his supposed friend turned against him . "Plasma hasn't done anything wrong!",Moon screamed. Nightshade attacked her with dark pulse in response. "Nightshade, stop this now!", I screamed at the top of my lungs before throwing to the ground with a megahorn. "Why would you attack me like that?", Nightshade asked. "Because she knows it isn't Plasma's fault", Corona said. I nodded briskly. "It is not his fault", I said, it is Team Sylver's fault", I said. "And do you know what me and Plasma are going to do about it?", I started. "We're going to defeat them and bring them in to authorities", Plasma finished. I nodded again. "Now let's do this!!"

*Sylver POV

"What is the boss going to do to me, now that I've failed him?", I said thought as I walked up to his chamber. Wow, I how have I never noticed how much his chamber looks like a boss arena. I love foreshadowing. (Hey,I just fixed that!) As I neared the center Eturnatus flew into the center. "I know you have failed me, Sylver", he said. "Boss, please give me one more chance I beg you?!", I asked, already knowing the answer. "I've given you chance after chance, and all you've done is fail, over and over again", he hollered. At that point I had already started to run. Another sylveon shot a black substance at me. It slowly coated my body, taking control anywhere it touched. "Sylver your end of the bargain was to become the first category four berserker if you failed. And guess what, you failed". That was the last thing I heard before I gave in to the darkness.

Category 4 berserker. Hmmm. What does that remind me of?

The Experimental Jolteon (Jolt x Glace)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora